Several more signs of distancing between WWE and Sasha Banks / Naomi

The consequences for Sasha Banks and Naomi continue even after the sensational “mutiny” on Raw. As we know, WWE has already suspended them indefinitely, stripped them of their women’s pairs titles and announced a belt reassignment tournament.

Alongside major decisions like this, there are also a number of other small details that testify to the apparent disconnect between WWE and the two athletes, both of whom we recall are also expiring contracts.

Removed from the intro and more

One of those early signs can be seen in the intro of TV shows. In the usual introductory video, WWE actually removed the two former champions. The difference can already be seen from Friday’s episode of Smackdown and NXT Level Up.

Speaking of more signals, Naomi changed the description of her Twitter profile, removing the words “WWE Superstar NAOMI #FEELTHEGLOW.” It’s hard to imagine that it could be a mere coincidence.

Also, the official Facebook pages of both athletes are currently unavailable. As we know, WWE almost always owns the social exploitation rights of their Superstars, so it’s almost certain that the decision to shut down these pages (Banks had nearly three million followers, Naomi just under two) rests with the federation. As we know, deleting a profile can also be temporary, so the decision is likely to be revised in the future.

Eventually, all related merchandise was removed from the Official WWE Store.

We’ll see if this whole series of more or less obvious choices then leads to even more extreme consequences, such as: