Sexual assault lawsuit against actor Warren Beatty dismissed

Sexual assault lawsuit against actor Warren Beatty dismissed

The California judiciary on Friday dismissed a lawsuit accusing American actor Warren Beatty of sexually assaulting a young girl on the sidelines of a film shoot in 1973.

Kristina Charlotte Hirsch, the plaintiff, claimed to have met the actor when she was 14 or 15 years old, while he was around 35 years old.

Warren Beatty “used his position and status as an adult and as a Hollywood star on multiple occasions to coerce sexual contact with Plaintiff,” including “forcing sexual intercourse with a minor,” the lawsuit says.

This was dismissed by a Beverly Hills judge due to procedural deficiencies.

The complaint was filed in 2022 under a California law that allows a complaint to be filed despite statutes of limitations.

Warren Beatty, the white-toothed, stocky hero of Bonnie and Clyde (1967), dominated the silver screen in the golden age of New Hollywood, championing John Kennedy and the Democratic Party and turning down numerous roles before joining the media in 2001 – and film scene left until 2015.

Known for his numerous relationships with various women, he appeared alongside Julie Christie, Brigitte Bardot, Vivien Leigh, Jackie Kennedy and Madonna before marrying Annette Bening, 21 years his junior, in 1992, with whom he had four children.