Sexual Gestures Cabaret Carol Summoned Before the Regie

Sexual Gestures: Cabaret Carol Summoned Before the Régie

The Cabaret Carol has to answer to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec (RACJ) for illegal acts, particularly of a sexual nature, committed in the establishments in recent months.

The Quebec City Police Department (SPVQ) witnessed an incident of a sexual nature and the owners of the place are due to testify before the Régie on May 24.

“At approximately 2:20 p.m. on September 23, 2022, in one of the polling booths at the establishment, police observed a dancer masturbating a client with her breast,” the RACJ statement said.

Faced with arrest by the police, the man then tried to leave without paying. He was heavily intoxicated.

According to the police summary of the incident, the dancer with whom the client was caught is “originally from Mexico and only has tourist status”. She was therefore not eligible to work in Canada.

Multiple calls

In addition, the RACJ is asking Cabaret Carol to explain a variety of incidents related to disorder, violence, or drug and alcohol abuse that have occurred in recent years.

Between December 4 and January 19, 2023, police were contacted to respond to complaints of disorder, violence, customers intoxicated by alcohol and drugs “at least 13 times,” according to documents consulted by the newspaper.


The dossier of the institution on Boulevard Wilfried-Hamel already includes four other decisions by the RACJ.

In 2021, Cabaret Carol had to close its doors for 35 days to complete a suspension of its liquor sales license. The company was accused of “tolerating the presence of a minor” for the third time in ten years.

Staff at the facility have also been accused of flouting public health rules during the pandemic. The RACJ reports “multiple sprains while wearing a mask” in the bar.

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