Shakira poses in a photo with her ex mother in

Shakira poses in a photo with her ex mother in law and the networks explode SPORTS WORLD

Shakira then surprised all his fans He showed a photo with his ex-mother-in-lawa, although it was not Montserrat Bernabeu, the mother of Gerard Piqué, her ex-husband.

It was about Inés Pertiné, mother of Antonio de la Rúaa lawyer, image consultant and Argentine businessman who the singer dated for more than ten years and whose relationship ended before she courted the former Spanish footballer.

“With our beloved ex-mother-in-law”, the singer wrote at the bottom of the photo. A picture in which she posed with de la Rúa's mother and one of her best friends, Gabriela, who was Antonio's brother's girlfriend at the time.

Shakira and her ex-mother-in-law


The scandal that would shape Shakira this year

It started circulating on social networks the new scandal that will shape Shakira in 2024. In the program “Zapando”, the clairvoyant Maestro Joao predicted a year with very good finances for the singer.

“He gets the world card, the most important card in the deck. This means that you are successful in health, in love, in money, in work, in everything… The cycle that awaits you is super money,” the psychic began to reveal.

Although he doesn't see it so clearly in love, because “he still hasn't forgotten Piqué.” Nothing about a relationship. It will happen at the beginning of spring A huge scandal, but she doesn't have to be the one to blame“, he assured.

Does Shakira have a new boyfriend?

According to the “Socialité” program Shakira would be in love with Rafael Arcautean Argentine producer who has a total of 18 Latin Grammy awards at the age of 44.

According to research by the Spanish broadcaster, Shakira would be excited about the man who made her bury the memories of Gerard Piqué, the father of her two children.

Javier Ceriani revealed that the Colombian artist was happy with it “a cultured man, poet and composer”Qualities that gradually made her fall in love.

And the thing is: Rafael Arcaute is completely different from Piqué and completely different from Antonio de la Rúa. And he is particularly known in Latin American countries for having worked with world-class singers like Camilo, says Ceriani.

Shakira would have a new love


Although the journalist assured that this information was already circulating in Latin American media, he confirmed this Rafael Arcaute was already behind Shakira when she was Piqué's partnerbut that he would have respected the relationship with the former Barcelona player.

However, Rafael would have gone one step further and “she lets him enter her world. They have dinner, they share and she always breaks it off, but he continues and she would already be ready to take another step with this Argentine,” Ceriani said.

And what convinces Shakira most, according to the journalist, is his manner: “He conquers her with humor, he conquers her with details, with sweetness. He's a very calm guy. He’s very reserved.”