Sharp New COP28 draft resolution calls for change

Sharp: New COP28 draft resolution calls for “change”…

Compared to the previous version, the text presented could be clearer. However, an agreement on the global phase-out of coal, oil and gas has not been reached.

At the World Climate Conference in Dubai (COP28) there is now a draft compromise resolution that calls for a “transition” away from fossil fuels. The text presented in Dubai on Wednesday morning was improved compared to the previous draft in long negotiations. However, numerous countries have not followed through on their demands for agreement on a global phase-out of coal, oil and gas.

The new central resolution calls for a “transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems in a fair, orderly and equitable way”. If the new text is adopted by the conference plenary, it would be the first decision at a UN climate conference that affects the future of all fossil energies – in addition to coal, also oil and natural gas. Oil states such as Saudi Arabia in particular have vehemently resisted the decision to completely abandon oil and gas across the world.

130 states opposed the vague wording

The UN climate conference in Dubai (COP28) was due to end on Tuesday. However, the draft resolution presented by the UAE COP presidency on Monday was rejected by a large majority, including EU states, the US, Brazil and small island states. According to its information, a total of about 130 states opposed the vague resolution.

The previous version only provided for a “reduction” in the extraction and use of fossils. He went on to say that this should be done in a “fair and orderly” way, in order to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality “by, before or around 2050”.

Years up to 2030 are also taken into account

The project now presented also takes into account the years up to 2030, which are important for a climate-friendly change of direction. The text calls for the “acceleration” of climate action in this “crucial decade” to achieve climate neutrality worldwide by 2050. At the same time, the importance of “transition energies” for energy security is recognized – a reference to the importance natural gas as a less climate-damaging energy source than crude oil.

UAE COP28 President Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber now wants to quickly vote on the revised draft resolution. He called the conference plenary session for 9:30 am local time (06:30 am CET). At UN climate conferences, decisions must be made by consensus. However, there will be no formal vote.

“Extremely necessary improvements”

The central text of the resolution is the final document of the so-called global balance sheet (GST). This looks at the implementation of the national climate targets that states have set for themselves to implement the Paris Climate Agreement every five years and now occurs for the first time. Given that the global inventory is very comprehensive, at COP28, unlike previous world climate conferences, there will not be a global decision by the conference plenary.

WWF's Stephen Cornelius said the major new draft decision was a “much-needed improvement” on the previous text. The wording on fossil energy has been “significantly improved”, but it is not enough.

“For a planet worth living on, we need a complete elimination of all fossil fuels,” warned Cornelius. If the text were approved, in his opinion it would be a “significant moment” because, after years of evasion, a global climate conference would name fossil energy as the driver of the climate crisis for the first time. (APA/AFP)