She had denied After confirming the invitation to the BBB.jpgwidth1200height740

“She had denied”; After confirming the invitation to the BBB, Leo Dias replies to Wanessa Camargo and sends the real pa…


Wanessa Camargo confirmed that she was invited to the BBB in an interview with The Noite

At the time of the BBB reveal, Léo Dias said Wanessa was one of the candidates to join the reality show, but denied it© Playback/SBT Instagram/@wanessaAt the time of the BBB reveal, Léo Dias said Wanessa was one of the candidates to join the reality show, but denied it

Vanessa Camargo confirmed this Friday (16) that she has indeed been invited to the latest editions of Big brother Brazil. The news hit the columnist like a bomb Leo Diaswho published at the time that the singer was quoted by the director of the show, but she even denied it at the time.

Even today, in Fofocalizando, Leo reflected on the subject and gave even more information about this invitation. According to the journalist, the girlfriend was invited to the last three editions of global reality and even negotiated with the production about getting involved.

> Wanessa Camargo received an invitation to the last three editions of the BBB (reproduction/Instagram/@wanessa)

“She denied it! I said the truth will come out! Google it there! It’s all written! I said so!” the columnist declared. “People deny me, I love it when the truth comes out. She was invited to the 21st, yes, I already said that, but again to the 22nd and also for the 23rd. The question is: she didn’t accept the first invitation because of Buaiz [Marcus, exmarido da famosa] didn’t go away,” he explained.

The journalist later concludes: “He said it was too much exposure for the family. She wanted a comeback, she wanted to get back on stage. There have always been many focal points in Wanessa’s career. Sertanejo sings one hour, another time pop, Portuguese, English. He said, “You have to define a focus.” She said, “You know what focus I’m going to define?” I’ll finish that Marriage‘”.

23 years old, from Brasilia, lover of literature, entertainment, music and Beyoncé fan. I have been working as an author in this segment for three years and have participated in communications in the capital.