She Makes Her Exes Jealous by Adding AI Fake Friends

She Makes Her Exes Jealous by Adding AI Fake Friends to Her Photos Merca2.0

Many stories emerge that stand out through the use of Artificial intelligence (IA), an example is that of a woman who in some ways creative has gone viral for making her exes jealous by adopting fake boyfriends using said technology Photos.

The story is about a woman from New York, USA, who found a way to make her ex-boyfriends jealous by using generative artificial intelligence to digitally give her online snaps new beauty, like in a video at 55 Millions of views are seen on TikTok.

“My ex moved on, so I had to throw in a new boyfriend quickly,” Madeline Salazar, 29, explained in the clip's text overlay on her virtual friend generator.

In the video, titled “I Win Every Breakup,” the Manhattan resident shows how she can alter a photo of herself sitting alone on the subway to make it look like she's with a new one friend together.

Salazar simply types “man leaning on shoulder with head” into his Adobe program and an image of a hyper-realistic, mysterious man using it as a headrest pops up.

In other photos with her new soulmate, a man can be seen holding the digital wizard's hand as he walks her across a terrace and a man placing his hand on her leg as they work in a cafe.

“The three video clips lasted about two and a half hours. “Everything that concerns people is very difficult,” says the woman.

However, the AI-powered revenge plan apparently paid off as his post was successful and went viral. “It’s very satisfying to see,” one comment said.

Even the official Photoshop account chimed in on his video, writing, “That's what we call dedication.”

Meanwhile, critics called her “sad” and “toxic” for seemingly spending so much time trying to give her ex-lovers what they deserve online.

“It was viewed more as a comedy, but not everyone understands my humor,” the young woman responded to the negative comments.

“I get comments and messages every day asking if I can edit things so people will make their friends jealous or because their husband will make them mad,” she explained. “It's always very urgent and they say, 'Emergency: I need your help with Photoshop.'”

As the woman explains, she finds the requests fascinating because she sees herself as neither a digital artist nor a graphic designer.

However, he rejected most of these pleas for help out of revenge because he “didn’t want to touch another person’s private life.”

He is not the first person to use AI to fake a romantic life, as there are many cases where others have even created their perfect partners using this technology, showing the world a character that doesn't exist.

@immadsal Reply to @🧿 But in other news I win every breakup #singlelife🤘🏻 #softlaunch #softlaunchingideas #generativeai #generativefill #ai #aiphotoshop #adobeai #satire #adobefirefly ♬ Epic Music(842228) – Pavel

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Eye-catching AI facts

The concept of artificial intelligence has been known worldwide for years, but in 2023 the use of this technology has continued to increase.

According to Gartner data on the latest developments in this technology, generative artificial intelligence is one of the most notable strategic trends for the period starting in 2022, with companies adopting these practices and experiencing growth up to three times higher than those that do not change their approach to AI. Data from IDC reports also show that this market will grow at a compound annual rate of 37 percent and will exceed $16 billion in 2026.

  • It is estimated that by 2030 around 50% of corporate profits will be generated by artificial intelligence.
  • Generative artificial intelligence was one of the most notable strategic trends in 2022.
  • This market will grow to $16 billion in 2026.

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