She parks her vehicle on a walking trail in downtown

She parks her vehicle on a walking trail in downtown Montreal

A homeless man sleeping in the entrance of an underground parking lot experienced a brutal and painful awakening in downtown Montreal Monday morning when a vehicle partially ran over his body.

The accident, which could have had far more serious consequences, happened around 10 a.m. at the entrance to an underground car park on rue Beaudry, near the intersection with rue Sainte-Catherine Est.

At around 10 a.m., a motorist pulled into the garage entrance but did not see the homeless man sleeping outside.


The front wheels of the Nissan Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) went over the man’s leg before the driver brought her vehicle to a stop with the rear wheels directly over the victim’s same leg.

Firefighters had to use their equipment to lift the SUV and free the homeless man, a man in his 40s.


The latter was taken to hospital to be treated for a serious leg injury, but his life was not in danger.

The driver, also in her 40s, required treatment for nerve shock.