She puts self tan on her 4 month old baby

She puts self tan on her 4 month old baby because she thinks he is too pale

An American mother has drawn the ire of netizens when she revealed she self-tanned her four-month-old baby because she allegedly found him too pale.

Kylen Suttner, 21, posted a video on TikTok in which she responds to her critics. The young mother defends her choice by saying that the employees of the companies that produce the self-tanning creams also have families to feed.

Nevertheless, this decision triggered violent reactions. Several netizens have pointed out that a baby’s skin is delicate and using chemicals is not a good idea.

Others accused the mother of teaching her son that his natural appearance was unsatisfactory.

In turn, several people encouraged the young mother to keep going, mentioning that they thought her baby’s artificial tan was beautiful.