Shia LaBeouf wants to become a deacon – TVA Nouvelles

Shia LaBeouf wants to become a deacon – TVA Nouvelles

Shia LaBeouf seems to be finding a calming answer to his torment in religion.

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In these two roles, the Padre Pio and Fury actor found the path that led him to Catholicism. After turbulent episodes that led to arrests and trials for public drunkenness or even domestic violence, the actor approached spirituality.

During his most recent confirmation on December 31 among members of his congregation, the California chapter of the Capuchin Franciscans, at the Old Mission Santa Inés monastery in Solvang, California, Shia LaBeouf was quoted as saying, according to his godfather, Capuchin Friar Alexander Rodriguez, his intention to follow his Catholic path to becoming a deacon. The news was published on Facebook, accompanied by photos in which the actor beamed in the company of the underage Capuchin brothers.

They, the caption says, “are delighted to welcome him into their midst and witness his deep commitment to his journey of faith.” (He) embarked on a profound spiritual journey that led him to learn the teachings of the Catholic Church to accept the church.”

The deacon is a layperson, married or single, who continues his professional, union or association activity. Their mission is to work for the church in their environment. However, according to the Diocese of Paris, “he performs a service function.” When he presides over baptisms, weddings or funeral ceremonies, he in no case has the function of a community leader. In consultation with his priest, he also has the opportunity to give sermons.”

If he becomes a deacon, Shia LaBeouf shouldn't give up his film career.