1695155675 Shocked robbery to steal the Aston Martin in the garage

Shocked robbery to steal the Aston Martin in the garage: the video Quotidiano Motori

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Shock attack on the theft of the Aston Martin in the garage: the video

The video from the surveillance cameras shows it clearly two thieves with covered faces who brutally attacked a man and dragged him away from his home Aston Martin, and then quickly escape. This violent attack occurred in Victim’s garage in Westport, Connecticut, shortly after returning home.

Aston Martin robberyImage: Westport Police

The victim reported to police that when he returned home and entered the garage, two men were present They entered with their faces covered. The two attacked him was still in the vehicle and subsequently stole his blue Aston Martin after forcibly removing it.

1695155665 14 Shocked robbery to steal the Aston Martin in the garageImage: Westport Police

The police, who decided to publish the video on the official Facebook page, believe that the two arrived in a dark blue BMW, as this vehicle was seen fleeing with the stolen car. It later turned out that it was the dark blue BMW reported stolen also in Norwalk. The victim suffered minor injuries as a result of the attack but refused medical attention. Alerts were sent to surrounding towns and the Connecticut State Police.

At the time of writing, the Aston Martin has not yet been recovered There were no arrests.


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