Shopping basket Food trends for 2024 –

Shopping basket | Food trends for 2024 | –

The year 2024 promises us a tantalizing fusion of culinary innovation and evolving consumer values. Artificial intelligence, Generation Alpha and big changes are just around the corner.

Published at 1:18 am. Updated at 6:30 a.m.


The 2024 Food Trends Edition, released this week by Nourish Marketing, provides a comprehensive analysis of emerging trends in the food industry. It highlights the important role of technology, changing consumer preferences and the growing importance of sustainability and health-focused choices. For those involved in food marketing, this publication still provides an interesting and thought-provoking read.

As we approach 2024, the food industry finds itself at a crossroads of ideas, marked by technological advances, surprising consumer expectations and pressing global challenges, according to this analysis. This 34-page document provides consumers with an overview of how the industry plans to interact with them in the near future. We may not want to believe that our behavior is heavily influenced by supermarket or restaurant marketing, but the reality is very different.

One of the most striking movements highlighted in this book is the emergence of artificial intelligence in our kitchens and food supply chains. Even if we don’t always realize it, AI is already part of our daily lives. However, it is poised to revolutionize the food industry and the way food is marketed to consumers. With free access to chatbots like ChatGPT, AI becomes a practical tool that augments human capabilities in product development, consumer insights, and even taste testing.

The paper suggests that AI in its various roles will drive product innovation, improve diet personalization and optimize supply chains, ultimately making our food systems more efficient and more responsive to consumer needs. Although this may seem crazy to some, it is invigorating to others.

Amid the digital revolution, the ongoing challenge of climate change is emerging. The year 2023 saw record temperatures and widespread environmental disasters, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable practices. However, the 2024 edition highlights a paradox: while sustainability is critical, it is often overshadowed in the minds of consumers by immediate economic pressures such as inflation. This presents the industry with a unique challenge: How to effectively communicate and implement sustainable practices that meet consumers’ immediate needs and values? At the same time, a recent GlobeScan survey suggests that consumers, particularly younger generations, are increasingly viewing environmental protection as an integral part of their food choices, even in the face of rising food prices.

And what would a food marketing publication be without mentioning the “Ozempic” trend? It shows clear changes in consumer behavior. The increase in the “Ozempic” effect and the aging of the population suggest a possible decline in calorie consumption. At the same time, consumers are increasingly choosing health and brain-boosting foods, driven by cross-generational demand for foods that promote cognitive performance and overall well-being.

Meanwhile, the world of plant-based protein foods is experiencing a resurgence. The initial enthusiasm for highly processed, meat-based foods is giving way to a new appreciation for the inherent qualities of plant-based foods.

This “back to basics” approach reflects growing consumer demand for simplicity, authenticity and nutrition.

In other words, the market has evolved from the Beyond Meat hype and is now striving for choice, quality and taste. The original goal of replacing meat entirely seemed somewhat impractical given that more than 91% of Canadians continue to eat meat regularly.

Generation Alpha, born after 2010, is a key group in this changing landscape. These children are growing up in a digitally saturated and ecologically precarious world. According to the report, this cohort is expected to have adventurous tastes influenced by diverse family structures and a globalized social environment. Observing the behavior of this new generation of consumers will fascinate many.

As we move through 2024 and beyond, the food industry will be prepared for dynamic changes. The interplay of technology, consumer health awareness, sustainability concerns and the rise of new consumer demographics will drive innovation and change in the industry. While the future of our cost of living remains uncertain, we can hope that 2024 brings a few more interesting facts and fewer challenges to the grocery business than 2023.