Should you learn to be content with what you have

Should you learn to be content with what you have, or are you likely to shed tears?

Your horoscope: Should you learn to be happy with what you have, or are tears likely to come to your eyes?


June 22 – July 23

Tears are likely to come to your eyes when uncompromising Mars enters a particularly emotional area of ​​your chart.

Luckily, this is a temporary phase and relatives and partners will soon get back to their old selves – so you no longer have to worry about what’s wrong with them.

CALL 0904 470 1164*


24 Jul-23 Aug Aug

The communication planet Mercury leaves your sign shortly after Mars, the planet of energy and ego, enters it. Whether or not you think it’s a fair exchange depends on whether you’re the kind of Leo that looks for positives or negatives. It’s time for pink glasses!

CALL 0904 470 1165*




24 Aug-23 Aug Sept

When ambitious Mars enters your sign, there are no more excuses for not pursuing your dream. About the next

For seven weeks you have to work harder than ever. Forget the holidays and the simple life: you’ll never have a better chance to rise in the world.

CALL 0904 470 1166*


24 Sept – 23 Oct

The more you think about your life, the more you’ll realize how lucky you have been and how little you need to worry.

Ignore anyone who tells you that you’re aiming too high or expecting too much. Such a negative attitude is self-fulfilling.

CALL 0904 470 1167*


24 Oct – 22 Nov

The coming days will be challenging as you take on more work and responsibility, but you have what it takes to succeed so don’t even think about giving up.

Scorpios are ambitious and born to achieve something. So forget your doubts and show how tough you can be.

CALL 0904 470 1168*


November 23 – December 21

When the spirit planet Mercury moves in your favor, you begin to see life from a broader perspective, and little things won’t annoy you as much as they used to.

Money and business concerns can be pushed into the background. It’s not worth getting upset about.

CALL 0904 470 1169*


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Stick to what you know and trust, and don’t be tempted to venture into the unknown.

This is true in all areas, but especially in finance and business where one wrong step can cost you a fortune.

Learn to be content with what you have – that’s quite a lot actually.

CALL 0904 470 1170*


Jan 21 – Feb 19

You need to spend time with your family. You may have duties and responsibilities to deal with, but none are as important as making sure those who are the mainstay of your existence are comfortable with the relationship. It is love that rules the world.

CALL 0904 470 1171*


February 20th – March 20th It is important to avoid extremes, pace yourself sensibly and not let others call the shots.

When you lose control of your own comings and goings, there’s no telling where you might end up. Wherever it is, you can be sure that you will be exhausted.

CALL 0904 470 1172*


March 21 – April 20

The entry of the spirit planet Mercury into your fire sign Leo will strengthen your self-confidence after a negative phase with endless family and emotional crises.

If you are involved in a creative project, now is the time to give it your full attention.

CALL 0904 470 1161*


April 21 – May 21

As Mars moves into the most dynamic area of ​​your chart, Mercury enters a less helpful area, so you win in one way and lose in another.

Overall, though, you have a lot to look forward to, so consider your glass half full, not half empty.

CALL 0904 470 1162*


May 22 – June 21

Starting this week, focus less on material things and more on things that bring you lasting joy, like family and friends.

Not everyone will approve of your sudden light-hearted and easy-going outlook on life, but that’s more their problem than yours.

CALL 0904 470 1163*

  • For a more detailed weekly forecast, call the number next to your zodiac sign above. *Calls cost 65p per minute plus your phone company’s network access charge and take no more than 8 minutes. SP: DMG MOBILE & TV. HELPLINE: 0330 100 0601. To learn more about yourself, visit SALLYBROMPTON.COM