Sicilian panettone the terrible truth about what39s in it I

Sicilian panettone, the terrible truth about what's in it I You feel bad when you find out Sicilianews24

Panettone - sicilianews24.itPanettone – – Source: Depositphotos

But what goes into Sicilian panettone? The recipe will leave you speechless. You really feel bad when you find out that here lies the secret of an ancient tradition.

Panettone is one Milan Christmas tradition. In fact, panettone, Pandoro's bitter enemy, has over time become a Christmas tradition throughout Italy. Him with his special dough, his raisins and candied fruits that are so hated. Anyone who chooses Pandoro is certainly doing so because of the expensive orange pieces in the panettone.

But without going into the eternal Christmas duel, we can say that it's the same at Christmas, just like the rest of the year tradition. Each family has its own, some determined by region of origin, while others are passed down from mother to child from year to year, in a constant generational change in the kitchen. But despite the different traditions, a panettone is a must at home.

Inserted into all Gift basket Self-respect, after all, he is the protagonist of Christmas or at least the end of the meal or Christmas breakfast. At the end of the holidays there are numerous recipes that allow you to consume it with homemade creams, excellent as a base for a delicious zucchini.

However, if you are used to classic panettone, you know that in Sicily it is completely different. Here is the strange tradition.

But did Christmas come first or panettone first?

Panettone was born to give the right end to Christmas dinner. The classic recipe was much simpler than the more complex one we know today. Without considering that today you can buy panettoni of all kinds, not just with candied fruits and raisins. But the very first version of panettone dates back to that time Mid-16th century and was born from the hands of a cook from Ferrara, a certain Cristoforo di Messisburgo. A few years later there was talk of it Panatona bread that was prepared at Christmas time.

In reality, these are just two of the legends that surround panettone. but there are many others that could be mentioned. This is possible precisely because the panettone can be a true symbol of Christmas, an iconic figure of an entire era.

Sicilian Pankarretto - sicilianews24.itSicilian Pankarretto – – Source: Web

The secret of Sicilian panettone is salty

Well, among them lots of sweet delicacieshe Sicilian cuisine offers us, panettone is hearty. Excellence of the area, the recipe emerged from the encounter between the Maestro Santi Palazzolo and the craft brewery Bruno Ribaldi. If you think a savory panettone can't satisfy your taste buds, you've probably never tried the so-called pankarretto.

The name refers to the typical Sicilian cart. The flavors it contains are typical of this region and are often sold on carts in Sicilian towns. Pankarretto was born in Cinisi, in the province of Palermo and is exported all over the world. As for the dough, that is Sourdough starter and for those filling green and red peppers as well as black olives, Salina capers and dried tomatoes. A true delicacy.

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