Silence of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the

Silence of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the failure of the self coup in Peru

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, who is so quick to comment on everything on his Twitter account, has yet to comment on the events in Peru and the imprisonment of a Havana ally following the failure of his attempted coup. This silence contrasts with the sharpness of his reaction the day before, before the sentencing of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, when he wrote on Twitter: “We confirm our solidarity with @CFKArgentina in the face of judicial and media harassment, which is clearly for political purposes. “

Miguel Díaz-Canel didn’t skimp on affection either: “We reiterate our opposition to politically motivated lawsuits and reiterate all our support and solidarity for @CFKArgentina in the face of judicial and media harassment against them.” The President used the hashtags #CubaTeAbraza and #TodosConCristina.

The two accounts have so far been absolutely silent on the fate of Peru’s now-ex-President Pedro Castillo, who this Wednesday tried to dissolve parliament ahead of his third impeachment proposal in a suicide move that didn’t have the backing of his own government. .

Given the apparent confusion of Cuban leaders visiting several Caribbean countries, the Communist Party newspaper put forward the official position. publishes a short article this Thursday entitled “Another Parliamentary Coup d’état” which contains some elements of what happened during the intense day I experienced in Lima yesterday and very briefly mentions the announcement of the dissolution of the Congress by Castillo.

The peculiar interpretation of this medium consists in declaring that the Andean country is going through a “political crisis” caused by “the actions of the Peruvian opposition”.

The peculiar interpretation of this medium consists in declaring that the Andean country is going through a “political crisis” caused “by the actions of the Peruvian opposition, the majority in Congress, and that it is the government elected by the people , did not allow her to be elected President 16 months ago”.

Unlike Chavista Diosdado Cabello, who accused Washington of being behind Castillo’s ouster, does not comment on this aspect, but all indications are that the members of the Sao Paulo forum, including Cuba, will take this line.

The same newspaper last night published a text to deal with Cristina Fernández’s affair, entitled “Right Reckoning”, in which the author condemned: “This procedure is not new and I would say that it is quite common from right-wing governments against sectors of the left in Latin America to stigmatize them as ‘corrupt’, resorting to a toxic ‘justice’ apparatus, accompanied by media work aimed at creating opinions based on lies”.

In Cubadebate, information on Castillo’s case is even scarcer. so much so that some readers even ask for explanations to understand what happened. “And could he finally legally do what he did? Because on RT he talks about the dissolved Congress, while Telesur talks about the Congress with no surname. The truth is that I don’t understand anything,” asks one user. Another sheds light on a few details: “He shouldn’t have done it. He committed the crime of sedition.

The division is perceived between those who believe Congress has allied with the “imperialist powers” to make life difficult for Castillo and those who nevertheless blame him for his actions this Wednesday. “Something’s right, even if they don’t let you govern, you can’t take the law into your own hands,” says one reader.

Although the Cuban authorities never concealed their favoritism for the left-wing professor over his opponent, the right-wing Keiko Fujimori, the Peruvian was not as grateful as the Havana regime usually demands of its allies.

To learn more, readers of the official press should wait for the Cuban authorities to clarify their position.

Castillo is not Kirchner. Although the Cuban authorities never concealed their favoritism for the left-wing professor over his opponent, the right-wing Keiko Fujimori, the Peruvian was not as grateful as the Havana regime usually demands of its allies. In January this year, the former president gave an interview to CNN in which he discussed international politics and was repeatedly asked about his relations with the governments of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Uncomfortably, Castillo didn’t dare oppose it, but he wasn’t for it either.

“Mr. President, would you adopt the Cuban, Nicaraguan, or Venezuelan model?” “Never,” he finally answered. When the interviewer insisted that he considered Cuba a democracy, the Peruvian doubted again. “Cuba is a sister country,” he tried to get away before finally saying, “We have to ask the Cubans. I don’t want any other country or person to interfere in the lives of Peruvians.” He did the same when it came to ruling Managua or Caracas.

Its foreign minister did not show the same sensitivity and clearly condemned the elections in Nicaragua, which he had “followed with concern”. The State Department strongly stated that the elections “failed to meet the minimum criteria for free, fair, and transparent elections established by the Inter-American Democratic Charter, violated their credibility, democracy, and the rule of law, and deserved the rejection of the international community”.

Maduro did not go unnoticed by this hesitant stance from the Peruvian they desperately wanted in the group, along with that of Gustavo Petro and Gabriel Boric, who criticized the Bolivarian regime earlier in the year. “Every day there is a campaign against Venezuela. Out of this has emerged a cowardly left that bases its discourse on attacking the successful, victorious Bolivarian model, attacking the historical legacy and attacking me as president,” said Hugo’s successor Chávez.


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