Silvero Pereira reveals he regrets making a soap opera Just

Silvero Pereira reveals he regrets making a soap opera: ‘Just to defend my cause’


The actor explained that if he received the same invitation today, he would not accept it.

by Ana Lima

08/18/2022 10:55 BRT

08/18/2022 10:55 BRT

Silvero Pereira reveals he regrets making a Globo soap opera and explains why© Images 1 and 2 Reproduction: Instagram/Silveiro PereiraSilvero Pereira reveals he regrets making a Globo soap opera and explains whyAnaLima

The actor Silvero Pereira gained public acclaim after playing the role of Elis Miranda in the soap opera”The Willpower‘, aired in 2017 by TV globe. Despite the approval and favor of viewers, the artist recently revealed that he regrets having done the teledramaturgy.

The reason, he believed, was the lack of opportunity it created, preventing the possibility of a transvestite actress playing the role. On the soap opera, Elis was Miranda Nonato’s middle name, a driver who also secretly worked as a transformist at night.

Silvero went on to state that if he received the same invitation now, he would turn down the role. The actor also said he hopes to make future characters that escape the LGBT realm: “I’m hoping the market is a little smarter about that, that the market starts throwing invitations at me that aren’t just for that to defend my cause,” he vented.

It is currently set to “wetland‘, where he plays gay butler Zaquieu: ‘It’s not because I’m an open LGBT actor and because I’m clearly LGBT in my networks and everywhere I go that I’m not able to have a playing heterosexual characters who are running away from my sexuality”.