Silvia Toffanin and Pier Silvio Berlusconi life turned upside down

Silvia Toffanin and Pier Silvio Berlusconi, life turned upside down: rumor has it…

Maybe the suggestion of Pius and Amedeo has shown its effect. According to various rumours Pier Silvio Berlusconi And Silvia Toffanin You would be one step away from marriage. “Pier Silvio and Silvia: No to GF Vip’s trash, yes to our marriage,” reads the title of the latest issue of Vero magazine, which was the first to publish the indiscretion. The reference is clearly to the dictation of the Mediaset CEO. In fact, the Cavaliere’s son would not have liked too much vulgarity on Canale 5.

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Getting back to the wedding, the Verissimo presenter has never hidden her desire to legally marry Berlusconi Jr. It’s no coincidence that Toffanin didn’t shy away from jokes on the subject during Felicissima sera either. “Since the world has changed, we can have the witnesses question the groom, who then questions the bride. So that let’s press‘ he joked Amedeo Griecowhile the presenter, amused, distanced herself.

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“Pier Silvio,” the comedian then repeated: “you want to get married Silvia Toffanin, aka Toffanin Silvia, under community property? Let us know.” And who knows, maybe Pier Silvio took over the ball. In fact, the two have been linked for several years. Lorenzo Mattia and Sofia Valentina were born from their love.