1672174995 Silvia Toffanin the big refusal quotNot interestedquotan earthquake

Silvia Toffanin, the big refusal: "Not interested"an earthquake

1672174986 955 Silvia Toffanin the big refusal quotNot interestedquotan earthquake

There are those who say no Feast of San Remo. Sanremo, and that’s someone Silvia Toffanin. After days of rumors bouncing in between Mediaset and the Rai, today came a sensational official confirmation from sources in Cologno Monzese: the moderator of very correct on Canale 5, as well as wife of Pier Silvio BerlusconiHe would have turned down the offer had it come from Viale Mazzini. No problem with releases from Mediaset, which enters a kind of “truce” during Ariston week: it had already happened Maria DeFilippiwho entered the Ariston stage at his side in 2017 Karl Konti. Toffanin’s polite refusal was the result of her reflection.

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“Regarding the rumors about Silvia Toffanin’s possible participation in the Sanremo Festival, Mediaset sources – according to the note – indicate that the presenter of Verissimo will not be present at the event. It is true that the proposal was made to her , and that’s true Mediaset has no problem granting releases to its artists in these cases, but specifically – as we learn – Silvia Toffanin declined the offer, as she was busy with her program and not interested to this kind of artistic performance”.

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Therefore, the game of total conductors remains open. You will surely stand next to Amadeus Clare Ferragni for the first and last evening (“We’ve been chasing it since 2020”, the director and moderator admitted) and Francesca Fagnani. There are still two “free” evenings left. One name that has been floating around for the past few days is that of Sabrina Impacatorean actress who also exploded in the United States thanks to the series The White Lotus.