Silvia Toffanin, why she doesn't want to marry Pier Silvio: "The truth is that we…" | He finally admitted everything travel trends

Silvia Toffanin, that's why she doesn't marry her Pier Silvio. “The truth is that we…”

beautiful beautiful, elegant and sophisticatedShe is also very sweet and talented and has a big and sensitive heart. This is how one could describe it, and with good reason: the great Silvia Toffanin. The Venetian presenter, one of the most popular among Italians of all ages, is back in charge very correctthe historical gravure Canale 5.

And that even after the short Christmas break during which they were proposed again the most intense interviews lately, her after the holidays are over. He started giving us gifts again many more beautiful exclusive items. And that's why it's always better when it comes to proportion Mara Venier and be Sunday In. In short, the work at Toffanin it's going really great.

We can also say the same thing his private life. For many years she has been romantically linked to the fascinating CEO of Mediaset Networks Pier Silvio Berlusconi This has never been so big in recent months Seeker of chatter due to the many changes that in some cases can be defined as real revolutionswithin the schedules of the different channels.

Silvia Toffanin, that's why she doesn't marry her Pier Silvio

The love between them continues at full speed. Among other things, the two also became parents to two beautiful children Lorenzo Mattia and Sofia Valentina who live in it Portofino where their parents lived. And when they made this choice, it was with a specific goal in mind Keep them away from the media frenzy.

After all, although it is so Sylvia Is Pier They are very private people, although they are still very famous Great chat. And they are specifically for the marriage question. Many times we have spoken for them dthe wedding what never existed. And now she's decided to say what she really thinks. She doesn't marry him. “The truth is that we…”.

Because Silvia will not marry Pier SilvioSilva vs. Pier Silvio travel trends

“The truth is that we are,” her confession

“They say that I got married in secret, that he left me and that I plan to the marriage. When you read about it, The truth is that we are so good” he revealed in a previous interview the speaker. In short, neither of them seems to have any intention of doing so marry. The fact is that he has already taken this famous step in the past, albeit with Emmanuela Mussida.

He was very young and super in love. Together they created the world a daughter, now beautiful and grown up, and who made them grandparents. The two ex-partners continued to have excellent relationships. Sylvia However, he never wore it the white dress And if he doesn't change his mind at this point, he will never wear it again. His fans However They don't stop dreaming.

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