Simaria is giving a solo show for the first time

Simaria is giving a solo show for the first time since the end of the duo with Simone

Published on 06/12/2023, 08:16

photo gallery Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, Alagoas  Leo Franco / Ag.  News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Carlinhos Maia, Simaria and Carlinhos’ husband, Lucas GuimarãesLeo Franco / Ag. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Simaria performs for the first time without her sister Simone in São João da Vila in Penedo, AlagoasLeo Franco / Ag. on. News

Rio Singer Simaria performed for the first time this Saturday night without her sister Simone at São João da Vila organized by influencer Carlinhos Maia in Penedo, Alagoas. Simone and Simaria formed a duo that ended in August 2022. Since then, Simone has been pursuing a solo career and Simaria has yet to return to the stage.

“I am very pleased that she has agreed to come. It’s the first show she’s doing. She is a dear sister whom I like very much, whom I wish much strength, much light, much wisdom and all the best in her life. is an excellent artist,” Carlinhos Maia said in Stories on Instagram.

Simaria opened the show with the song “Asa Branca” by Luiz Gonzaga. She also sang some songs from when she was in a duo with her sister, and also some forró hits. While Simaria performed in São João da Vila, Simone took the stage in São João de Campina Grande in Paraíba. The Parque do Povo had a record attendance and had to close two hours before Simone started her talk.