Simply with Aleida Guevara, new proposal from

In collaboration with the Ernesto Che Guevara Study Center in Havana, the voice of the Cuban woman, internationalist and revolutionary will reach the Arab and Latin American public through their screens, websites and social networks.

Simply with Aleida Guevara new proposal fromIn front of the Al-Mayadeen group, Lebanese, Palestinian and Egyptian political leaders, the daughter of the heroic guerrilla, Aleida Guevara, and the President of the Board of Directors of the Multiplatform, Ghassan Ben Jeddou, announced the media and strategic project.

Aleida Guevara knows that Al Mayadeen has declared from the beginning that it is part of the global south and that Latin America is an essential pillar due to its militant history, the manager emphasized.

Simply with Aleida Guevara new proposal fromIn the presentation, the prominent communicator expressed the network’s honor to offer international public opinion a space hosted by Aleida Guevara, which will include topical commentary and personal anecdotes in a first season of 54 episodes.

According to Ben Jeddou, Aleida Guevara will address the people from the heart in a simple and sincere way, to narrate the past in a language of the present for the sake of the future.

For the renowned journalist, Al Mayadeen is also interested in deepening cooperation with the Che Center on a bilateral level.

Furthermore, he reiterated his commitment to the activist Aleida, her family and the center dedicated to promoting the studies, work and life of the Argentine-Cuban fighter.

In this train of thought, he pointed to the Cuban doctor’s relationship with Al Mayadeen from the beginning, protected by the network’s respect for the symbols of revolutionary struggle and internationalist resistance.

With humility and loyalty to the principles of the Cuban Revolution, Aleida Guevara thanked the pan-Arab television channel for the opportunity to keep her father’s legacy alive.

“What I like is being able to tell everyone a little more about my father’s life, and if a lot more people get to know Che through this show, that will be wonderful for me,” he noted.

On this occasion, the head of the Cuban diplomatic mission here, Jorge León, emphasized the possibility of continuing the revolutionary work of Che Guevara with this project.

At the same time, the friendship and brotherhood of the Al Mayadeen collective with the people and the Cuban Revolution prevailed.

Attendees recalled Che’s example and importance for defenders of just causes in the world.
