Singer and comedian Juca Chaves dies at the age of

Singer and comedian Juca Chaves dies at the age of 84 in Salvador

Posted on 20230326 11:36 AM / Updated on 20230326 12:04 PM

    (Credit: Marcelo Ferreira/CB/DA Press)

(Credit: Marcelo Ferreira/CB/DA Press)

The singer, songwriter and comedian Juca Chaves died on Saturday evening (March 25) at the age of 84 in Salvador. He had been hospitalized for 15 days at São Rafael Hospital with breathing problems. According to Bahia Economic, the death was confirmed at 10:30 p.m.

Known as “Mestrel Maldito”, Juca Chaves is an icon of Brazilian culture with a long and inspiring career. With his intelligent and irreverent humor, his engaging music and his social commitment, he won the hearts of the public and became a reference for several generations of artists and activists.

As a harsh critic of the military dictatorship, he created works such as Por Quem Sonha Ana Maria? and accomplice.

Jurandyr Czaczkes Chaves was born on October 22, 1938 in Rio de Janeiro to Clarita and a naturalized Brazilian woman from Austria who founded the first plastics factory in Brazil.

He is survived by his wife Yara, to whom he has been married since 1975, and their two adopted daughters, Maria Morena and Maria Clara.

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