Singer Roger cites deforestation in Bolsonaro government to attack Lula

Singer Roger cites deforestation in Bolsonaro government to attack Lula

The lead singer of the national rock band Ultraje a Rigor, Roger Rocha Moreira, used an article in Folha de S. Paulo that talks about record deforestation in the Amazon in March to attack President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).

It turns out that the publication is actually from April 2021, when Jair Bolsonaro (PL) was still President. “Hey, Hulk, run here! Look what the shit you supported! Call Leo!” Roger wrote on Twitter, mocking actor José de Abreu.

The actor, a supporter of President Lula, didn’t pay much attention to the rocker and responded to the slip by simply saying Roger was stupid.

The singer, who has always boasted about having a supposedly higher IQ than other Brazilians, later shared articles about record deforestation in February 2023. “‘Ain, the Amazon will end!’. Now, not a peep.”, he said .

Bolsonaro against deforestation

The first article shared by the musician belongs to journalist Phillippe Watanabe, who is viewing data collected by the National Institute for Space Research since 2015. In this case, he shows that in March 2021 there was 367.61 km² of deforestation, a record for the series.
The highest figure so far was 356.6 km² destroyed in 2018, the last year of the Michel Temer (MDB) government. Second place was taken from 2020, already under Bolsonaro administration, with 326.49 km².

Disclosing data on deforestation has always been a concern of former President Bolsonaro, since the first year of his term in office, when the President exonerated INPE Director Ricardo Galvão.

Bolsonaro claimed that the data released by the corpse did not correspond to reality and that they made “negative propaganda for Brazil” that damaged the country’s image abroad.

Internet users react

The singer’s gaffe did not go unnoticed by internet users either, see some reactions: