We're covering the week of January 29th – February 4th, 2024 with a tarot reading with a card for each zodiac sign in astrology.
Based on the tarot spread for this week, it definitely seems to be a very positive and forward-looking week for all of us, and wherever there is a problem, there seems to be healing soon after.
This week shows us that we are now in full swing. We are taking 2024 seriously, and while that may not seem stoic or strict, we are certainly considering the idea that we cannot maintain the “January is the new December” attitude; We are one with the idea that we must live our lives and move on.
This week, each and every zodiac sign learns, grows, and makes big decisions that truly change the way we think. We are much less afraid of the future than we were last week. In other words, we're getting the hang of it and things are looking like action and momentum for us. A round of applause for all of us… and then… action.
A Card Tarot Reading for the week of January 29, 2024:
(March 21 – April 19)
Tarot card: Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords shows a person persevering in their efforts, as represented by the Swords themselves, and slightly suggests through their facial expression that they have gotten away with something.
There's something sneaky about this card, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. This is the week when you realize that you have to take a different path to get to your goal and that this path may be different.
This card shows you, Aries, that in order to maintain the energy that comes with your zodiac sign, you must find every possible way to achieve your success, and something that involves doing things in a covert way. The result is good and honest, but getting there may require creative thinking.
Key words and things to keep in mind: action, preparation, mindfulness.
While everything you do may not be easy or even “legal,” the truth is that there are certain things you need to do this week, January 29 through February 4, 2024, and not tomorrow or the day after. This week for you, Aries, is all about taking care of business, and to do that you'll have to make some very insightful decisions.
(April 20 – May 20)
Tarot card: The Emperor
Taurus, when you receive this card, the Emperor, you will be called to this task, and it also means that you will achieve what you set out to do. You are being asked to take control during the week of January 29th – February 4th, 2024 and know that this relates to how you govern your world emotionally, physically and spiritually. You are here to get back on track.
This is something you really enjoy doing because it recharges your batteries and shows you that you really have the power to support your thoughts. During this time you will make quick decisions that will become new laws in your life. You are clear-headed and authoritative and know what you want and need to do.
Key words and things to remember: authority, final word, decision.
This week, from January 29th to February 4th, 2024, you will be confronted with facts and something that you can no longer allow, that others have to make their decision for you. You've seen that this really doesn't work, especially given the idea that you really know what's best for you. Stand by your decisions and put them to the test, Taurus.
(May 21 – June 20)
Tarot card: The Sun
For the first time this year, you may feel as if the clouds have parted and the path has been cleared to actually experience happiness. You are very used to questioning almost everything, and in a way that's okay since others depend on your wise point of view. You are so trusted that you can use that energy to help others, which is what you love to do.
However, you won't feel the usual pressure that opens the door to warmth and contentment. You can accept advice and give it freely without needing recognition or thanks. You're a free spirit this week, Gemini, and it may feel like you're on vacation, but it's “so” good.
Key words and things to keep in mind: luck, trust, loyalty.
It might be difficult for you to accept that this week is truly “on your side,” but the quicker you accept it, the better. A very good time awaits you this week, and when you can sit back and enjoy your happy life, you will find that it is real and trustworthy.
(June 21st – July 22nd)
Tarot Card: Page of Cups, reversed
You rarely feel so childish, but you will get in touch with that side of yourself again. It may have something to do with falling in love or finding someone special to kick back and “play” with. This week you won't be pressured to be someone you're not, and you'll have a lot of fun doing that.
This is the week where you may not be as smart as you think, but the realization that you've made mistakes is one of the reasons you laugh during this time. You are open to learning new things because you like to admit that you don't know everything. You're happy to see that you're not alone and that it's okay to make mistakes, especially if there's someone there to “have your back.”
Key words and things to keep in mind: playfulness, stupidity, naivety.
All in all, it will most likely show you that you still have a long way to go on certain topics, but that learning more and more about these topics is actually fun and will benefit you greatly in the near future. Trust that it's okay to say yes to education and do your best, Cancer.
(July 23rd – August 22nd)
Tarot Card: Nine of Swords, Reversed
While this card always implies a difficult time, it is not necessarily all that you have for the week of January 29th to February 4th, 2024. Don't worry, Leo. The point here is that you are brought into contact with some old memories… but there is a purpose here, and that is to acknowledge them so that you can “banish” them at a later date.
Stay open to what you see in your dreams, not to mention pay close attention to the details. The details don't count. It is the “feeling” of the dreams themselves…see what you can take from what your mind is telling you, because those are the things you will begin to heal towards a better, clearer emotional future create.
Keywords and things to keep in mind: nightmares, intuition, hunch.
You are coming to terms with certain things and may find that some “old demons” are coming to the surface. It's okay; You have to feel them to heal them, Leo. Although this is just the beginning, the result will be a clear conscience and a peaceful state of mind.
(August 23 – September 22)
Tarot Card: Nine of Cups, Reversed
Even in the inverted position, this card tends to bring good luck and convey the idea that you are almost there when it comes to a major success that you know is on its way to fully manifesting. You may find that this week, January 29th to February 4th, 2024, gives you a good reason to be very excited. They may not be quite there yet, but all signs point to success being imminent.
You may also find that your love life is going exceptionally well during this time, as things seem to have calmed down through targeted conversations and a very loving exchange of feelings. You have the right words and say them at the right time. Your timing is good and your intuition is spot on this week.
Keywords and things to remember: Almost, almost there, promise.
What you'll experience this week, Virgo, is the idea that all is not lost and that life really does go on, even if you've fallen into a real depression for a while there. Now there is hope and you will see certain aspects of your life “fitting back together.” This gives you strength and optimism for the future.
(September 23rd – October 22nd)
Tarot card: Knight of Wands
You've never minded having to share news with friends, family, or even strangers. You are someone who is used to being “the talker,” and you will do it again. If you are a writer or work in journalism, broadcast news or social media, you will find that you have to work hard this week.
As a Libra, you can meet deadlines and work with tact to ensure all bases are covered. Your work this week will be of the highest quality and at the end of the week you will be proud of a job well done. This is a happy place for you, Libra, and you will find that it works well for you in terms of your job and career.
Key words and things to remember: written word, deliverance, message.
Good news is coming your way, and it's the kind of news you want to share almost immediately. You may be trying to find the doubt in the situation simply because you are intelligent and don't want to spread false news. But once you discover that the news is good, you will be, as you will, the bearer of good news and the sharer of happiness.
(October 23rd – November 21st)
Tarot card: The Chariot
The week of January 29th to February 4th, 2024 hits you like a freight train because you feel like you're on a mission to achieve great things and that you don't have time to be angry anymore. You are focused and goal-oriented and feel like you no longer have time to waste; Time is fleeting and you are ready to move with the times. This could be a great week to either travel or make plans for travel and adventure.
You have an exceptionally keen eye for success during this time, Scorpio, and you will choose an activity that will help you gain wisdom and financial status. You're in a very good mood for the most part, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that you trust yourself. You know that you can make clear decisions and that you do so with strength and vision.
Keywords and Things to Consider: Travel, Decision Making, Adventure.
This could be a very interesting week for you, Scorpio, as you use this card to plan a very important trip for yourself, which may not necessarily be a pleasure cruise. The timing of all of this has a business feel to it, and you'll be arranging the kind of business trip that could end up making you a fortune.
(November 22nd – December 21st)
Tarot card: Five of Swords
This week brings a sense of satisfaction for you, knowing that this kind of momentum and action is exactly what makes you feel alive. Yes, it's hard work, but what's life about if not working hard and achieving your goals? You're just starting to hit your stride, and while a lot of it has to do with work and work ethic, a lot of it is about your personal life and its progress.
They no longer see the future as unpredictable. Even if you don't have complete control over what will happen, know that you can rely on the power of positivity to create great opportunities for immense personal satisfaction. You trust yourself and know that doing so will open doors for you mentally, emotionally and physically.
Key words and things to remember: a job well done, accounting, pride.
Although you know there is still much to do, you can be assured that your work will continue in a way that always gives the impression that you know what you are doing. From January 29th to February 4th, 2024, you will see that this card shows that you really know what you are doing and that you feel a certain kind of pride in being the only one who can do it as well as you Do.
(December 22nd – January 19th)
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Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles, reversed
Even though your master plan may not be in full swing yet, you can't help but imagine its full success as many things seem to fall into place during this time. No matter how much effort you put into any number of problems, you will find that this week you are getting “signs” that your work is finally taking off.
You may also find that your love life has taken on a new lease of life during this time, as this card shows you that while it may not always be obvious, there is always something new to look forward to in your romantic relationship , There is a lot to work with and grow with here.
Key words and things to keep in mind: rewards, thoughtfulness, concern.
You may not feel like everything is coming together perfectly, but whatever “it” is, you feel confident that everything is working exactly as planned. As the week progresses, you'll notice that your focused effort has borne fruit, and while it's not “quite there” yet, it's definitely on the way.
(January 20th – February 18th)
Tarot card: Three of Wands
While much of what's happening is private and within your own four walls, what you're actually experiencing is a major emotional upheaval… and you're just beginning to make sense of it all. And that's really good because it shows you that you have something to look forward to and that it's not just “fear.”
For the first time this year, you feel ready to take a look at what the future holds for you, and that also means you're ready to start creating that future. The days of laziness may be over, Aquarius, because you've finally gotten the hint: use it or lose it. No matter how old you are right now, you'll feel like you're just starting a new beginning this week.
Key words and things to keep in mind: vision, future, intention.
You've realized it's time for momentum, and while you may still use this week as a time to pause before you act, this time you'll know that a plan is in store and that you have every intention of to fulfill this plan. You feel much safer physically, mentally and spiritually than before and realize that it is time to move on.
(February 19th – March 20th)
Tarot card: Queen of Swords
Well, the time has come, Pisces, and when you receive the Queen of Swords tarot card for the week of January 29th – February 4th, 2024, you know there is no more time for games. This card empowers you to be the person who changes your life and you fully realize that you need transformation. They quickly understood the hint and were immediately ready to get to the heart of it all.
While you're still your caring and kind self, you'll find that you're also quick-witted and clear-headed, allowing you to stay on track and not give up on your newfound vision. You see that you can and will be successful if you stay strict with yourself and don't deviate from the plan. Staying strong will bring about the transformation you envision, Pisces.
Key words and things to keep in mind: power, authority, ruler.
You are facing a time when you must take a stand and do what is right, both for yourself and for those around you, given the current events in your life. You are in a position where you can be trusted; You must act on behalf of those who are confused. This week you “man” the crown with finesse and authority.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.