Situation report on Ukraine Dutch F 16s for Ukrainian training arrive

Situation report on Ukraine: Dutch F-16s for Ukrainian training arrive in Romania – the war zone

The first five F-16s to be used as part of a European initiative to train Ukrainian pilots landed in Romania today. The arrival of the Dutch fighter jets at the new training center is an important milestone on the way to the introduction of F-16s by the Ukrainian Air Force, something that Kiev has long called for and which is now also supported by parallel training activities in the United States.

The Dutch Ministry of Defense announced today that the five F-16s have begun their delivery flight to the European F-16 Training Center (EFTC) at the 86th Air Base near Fetești in southeastern Romania. The ministry confirmed that the aircraft will be used to train both Ukrainian and Romanian pilots. Today Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also thanked Ukraine for handing over the first jets.

Today’s online flight tracking showed the jets transiting to Romania after departing from Gosselies in Belgium. The jets are single-seat F-16AM J-010, J-019 and J-366 series and two-seat F-16BM J-064 and J-210 series.

“The Netherlands has taken the initiative to establish the EFTC and is providing 12 to 18 F-16s for this purpose,” the Dutch Ministry of Defense said in a statement today. “The fighter jets remain the property of the Netherlands.”

A photo provided by the Dutch Ministry of Defense shows one of the jets with the previous Dutch unit markings removed but the toned down national insignia still in place.

In its own statement, the Romanian Defense Ministry says it will provide the 86th Air Base as well as training facilities and “host nation support,” while the Netherlands will supply the F-16s and Lockheed Martin will provide the trainers and maintenance.

“Given the current geopolitical context and Romania’s strategic position in the Black Sea region, this center becomes crucial for cross-border cooperation and strengthening security and solidarity within NATO,” the Romanian Defense Ministry added.

Initially, the former Royal Netherlands Air Force jets will be used for a refresher course for F-16 instructors hired by the EFTC. The training of new pilots then begins. Missions are flown exclusively in NATO airspace.

It was previously announced in August that F-16-related training for Ukrainian pilots had already begun in Denmark and the United Kingdom, although without actually flying the Viper.

The jets themselves are apparently at least twelve aircraft that were previously used to train Dutch pilots in the USA. At one time, these dozen jets were supposed to be sold to Draken International, a private company that planned to use them to support red air opponents.

However, as we have reported in the past, Draken never officially took delivery of the aircraft despite some flight testing from its base in Lakeland, Florida. Instead, in December last year, six of the jets made a surprise transatlantic flight via Lajes in the Azores to Gosselies, where they were expected to be overtaken by SABENA.

In addition to the 12 jets previously earmarked for Draken, the Netherlands could provide up to six more, likely drawn from its inventory in the Netherlands. In addition to 24 jets still used by the Royal Netherlands Air Force on the front line, while deliveries of F-35s continue, the Dutch have a pool of 18 other jets that are maintained in an operational condition and with the front-line aircraft can be rotated to reduce flight hours per airframe.

Ultimately, the EFTC could also get more F-16s from other sources. In addition to the Netherlands, the leading country, Denmark, another F-16 operator, is involved in the training initiative. After the United States approved the re-export of F-16s to Ukraine, these two European countries were also joined by Norway and Belgium, which also promised aircraft to Kiev.

Support for the EFTC also comes from Lockheed Martin, with the US company providing training and maintenance for the F-16.

When reports of a Romania-based F-16 training center first surfaced, The War Zone suggested that Draken might also be involved, based on a notice on the contractor’s careers page. This required flight instructors, maintenance production managers, crew chiefs, maintenance planners and avionics/electrical technicians to work at Fetești Air Base.

Draken’s job posting was in the US jobs section of the Draken website, suggesting that the company was specifically looking for Americans and perhaps indicating the likelihood that Lockheed Martin had hired Draken to run the training program. In July, Politico reported that Draken was indeed involved, citing an unnamed US official.

With a growing F-16 fleet, there is also a growing need for training on the type in Romania. Romania initially acquired 12 used F-16s from Portuguese stocks, followed by another five from the same source, before finally agreeing to purchase 32 from Norway.

“The Arizona Air National Guard’s 162nd Wing began training a small number of Ukrainian pilots in F-16 basics this week,” an Air Force spokesperson told The War Zone. “The training plan will be based on the basic knowledge and skills of each pilot and is expected to last several months. This follows President Biden and Secretary Austin’s decision to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16s as part of the United States’ contribution to Ukraine.”

Before we delve into the rest of the latest Ukraine news, The War Zone readers can catch up on our previous ongoing coverage here.

The newest

NATO and the US government reacted with dismay after Russia announced its decision to withdraw from the Cold War-era Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced today that it would suspend its membership in the treaty “for as long as necessary.”

The CFE Treaty was signed by almost all 31 NATO member states and established verifiable restrictions on categories of conventional military equipment that could be used in and around Central Europe, with the aim of curbing arms escalation in the Cold War.

The treaty was signed in November 1990 and fully ratified two years later.

In a statement, NATO said:

“Allies condemn Russia’s decision to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) and its war of aggression against Ukraine, which contradicts the objectives of the Treaty. Russia’s withdrawal is the latest in a series of measures that systematically undermine Euro-Atlantic security. Therefore, the Allied States Parties intend to suspend the effectiveness of the CFE Treaty for as long as necessary, in accordance with their rights under international law. This is a decision fully supported by all NATO allies.”

The United States said it would suspend treaty obligations starting in December. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Russia’s war against Ukraine and its withdrawal from the treaty had “fundamentally changed” the circumstances surrounding it and changed the obligations of participants.

Russia claims that US efforts to expand NATO further east mean that member countries have “openly circumvented” the treaty’s restrictions. Moscow also argued that Finland’s admission to NATO and Sweden’s application to join also meant that the treaty was now dead.

“The CFE Treaty was concluded at the end of the Cold War, when the formation of a new architecture of global and European security based on cooperation seemed possible and attempts were being made,” the Russian Defense Ministry added.

It is noteworthy that Russia suspended its participation in the treaty back in 2007 and then stopped active participation altogether in 2015. It can therefore be assumed that little will change functionally. At the same time, the Russian government’s formal withdrawal significantly complicates the possibility of a future return to compliance and can only cast doubt on the future of the CFE as a whole.

Ukraine is reportedly preparing for another Russian attack on the city of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine. Russian forces have made several recent attempts to surround the city, but these have so far been unsuccessful.

“The third wave will definitely come. “The enemy is regrouping after a second wave of unsuccessful attacks,” said Vitaliy Barabash, head of Avdiivka’s military administration.

According to Barabash, Russia is likely “ready” to launch its next large-scale attack on Avdiivka, although it has been put on hold due to poor weather conditions.

Meanwhile, and despite relentless artillery fire, it is estimated that around 1,500 of the city’s 30,000 pre-war residents remain. Most of these are now confined to basements that serve as makeshift bomb shelters.

Unconfirmed Russian reports suggest that fighting is still raging around Krynky, the town in the Russian-occupied Kherson region where Ukrainian troops are said to maintain a bridgehead over the Dnipro River.

At least one photo posted on social media and unconfirmed Russian reports indicate that Ukrainian forces are now stationing armored vehicles on the left bank of the river. The photo below appears to show a BTR-4 Bucephalus 8×8 wheeled amphibious infantry fighting vehicle used in support of the operation.

A previously unreported loss of a Russian fighter jet has come to light. A photo posted on social media shows the wreckage of a Russian Aerospace Forces Su-24M Fencer-D fighter jet with serial number RF-92025, which was allegedly shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces in the Donetsk region this year or last year. Compared to more modern types, the Su-24M apparently saw only relatively limited use in Russian hands. However, it was previously documented that at least ten examples were lost in combat or damaged during the conflict, mostly during Ukrainian attacks on their air bases.

Russia has used UMPK glide bombs extensively in recent months, with these weapons apparently proving to be particularly difficult targets for Ukrainian air defenses. The following photos document the failure of one of these weapons somewhere in the Kherson region and confirm that these combined wing and guidance sets are now being fitted to smaller bombs, in this case 250 kilograms or 551 pounds. The guided bomb kits are also suitable for 500 kilogram and 1,500 kilogram bomb bodies.

Russian authorities claim they foiled an attempted Ukrainian drone attack this morning, shooting down drones over the Black Sea and the annexed Crimean peninsula. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine fired 17 drones into Crimea, AFP reported.

“Air defense destroyed nine Ukrainian drones and eight more were intercepted over the Black Sea and the territory of Crimea,” the Russian Defense Ministry added.

The Russian-appointed governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhayev, said one person was seriously injured by falling debris but there was no other serious damage.

Drone attacks also remain a problem in Kiev, particularly in the winter months, and there are fears that there will be a sustained campaign against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

Ukrainian President Zelensky said today that Ukraine has deployed more Western air defense systems as it prepares for a second winter of Russian attacks on its energy facilities, AFP reports.

“I have received reports of receipt of ammunition, hardware and equipment over the past day,” Zelenskiy said on social media.

“Additional partner NASAMS systems have been deployed in combat operations. Timely reinforcement of our air defense before winter,” he added.

Ukraine continues to rely on other Western military aid, which in turn is expected to result in combat losses. The following image from the Russian Ministry of Defense is said to show a at least damaged and apparently abandoned Ukrainian CV9040C armored personnel carrier from Sweden near the hotly contested city of Bahkmut.

Armed commercial drones continue to be routinely used in fighting in Ukraine. The following clip reportedly shows a Ukrainian first-person view (FPV) guy hunting a lone person.

That’s all for now. This story will be updated as there is more news about Ukraine.

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