The entertaining show by Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti, broadcast on Canale 5, has now been missing from the small screen since 2019
Released on January 11, 2023
Bad news for all fans of Hello Darwin. As Davide Maggio’s blog exclusively reports, the entertaining program by Paolo Bonolis and Luca Laurenti will not be broadcast again this year as originally planned. It was supposed to air in the spring but would now be cancelled. The reason? Would purely economical, due to the high cost of broadcasting on Canale 5. Most likely, we will talk about it again in the autumn, even if there are currently no certainties from Mediaset.
Mediaset revolutionizes the schedule for Sanremo
With a press release, Mediaset announced the entire program for the coming months and unveiled a major novelty: Canale 5 and Italia Uno will also remain on during the week of the Sanremo Festival, to be seen from February 7th to 11th. The regular airing of Big Brother Vip will therefore continue unabated (as will the Christmas holidays), with two episodes per week being shown again on Fridays, during which no fictional episodes will be aired.
But the fearsome Maria De Filippi, whose show won’t stop either You have mail (which has of course already started again) will be broadcast as usual on Saturday (and thus clashing with the Sanremo 2023 final). The charisma of de is highly confirmed Hyenas on Tuesdays with Belen Rodriguez and Teo Mammucari.
All Mediaset news for 2023
Mediaset confirmed the return of Isola dei Famosi with Ilary Blasi in mid-April, although no official start date has yet been announced. Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s networks will also soon host three novelties called “show events”: they are The TV of the 100 and One with Piero Chiambretti, Michelle Impossible & Friends with Michelle Hünziker and Very happy evening with Pius and Amedeo. It also remains confirmed The show of recordsunder the direction of Gerry Scottiwhose recordings are taking place these days.
Great football is also making a return: from February, the Champions League round of 16 and the Italian Cup quarter-finals will start again on Canale 5. As for fiction, this is on the way Fosca Innocenti with Vanessa Incontradawhich will be followed by the second season of in February Good morning mum with Raul Bova.