Snails eat mail and checks

Snails eat mail and checks

While giant snails are capable of puncturing car tires, others are capable of eating mail and checks as if they were lettuce leaves.

At least this is the misfortune that several clubs in Saint-Lô in Normandy, northern France, experienced when the snails attacked their mailboxes.

“You stole a check for five euros from me. Fortunately, it was caught,” David Deshayes, president of the Office of Associative Life, told La Manche Libre newspaper.

Replacing the mailbox, which was visibly leaking, didn’t stop the snails from rushing into the new metal box to feed themselves.

The case of mailboxes being attacked by snails is not an isolated incident, as similar cases have also been reported elsewhere in France, particularly in Bordeaux.

“There are too many snails eating our mail in Bordeaux, half the words are missing from the letters,” complained an internet user from Gironde, according to France Live.

“Snails have taken up residence in my mailbox and are using my mail as a pantry,” another joked in a tweet on the X platform.