Snapchat unveils its ChatGPT powered chatbot to the general public

Snapchat unveils its ChatGPT-powered chatbot to the general public – CBC News

The artificial intelligence (AI) of the Snapchat application My AI extends to all users of the social network worldwide, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel announced on Wednesday.

The in-app chatbot was previously only available to members of Snapchat+, a paid premium service.

Among the features of this AI is the ability to send messages to the AI ​​alone or add them to group chats. We can assign him a name and a personalized avatar that will allow him to reply to photo and video captures with texts (thanks to ChatGPT), at the moment.

Snap, Snapchat’s parent company, says My AI will soon be able to create its own art, a feature that will be exclusive to Snapchat+ subscribers, however.

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My AI can also recommend restaurants or other activities based on popular locations on the app’s map. The tool can also suggest augmented reality lenses, the filters that made Snapchat famous and later imitated by many competing social networks.

According to Snap, users of the application already exchange around 2 million messages per day with My AI.

My AI bad attendance?

However, the company warns internet users not to trust the chatbot’s advice. The Washington Post recently reported that the tool sometimes engages in inappropriate conversations with a research team posing as teenagers.

“My AI certainly makes a lot of mistakes, so you can’t rely on it for advice, but it’s really entertaining. »

— A quote from Evan Spiegel

The application says it added moderation technology for people abusing the service and trained the AI ​​to take the interlocutor’s age into account in their exchanges to avoid discrepancies.

A parental control function is currently being developed in order to be able to provide data on the chat time of your offspring with My AI.