Snowless races for sled dogs NO

Snowless races for sled dogs NÖ


Sled dogs are associated with the far north and landscapes covered in deep snow. But they are also out and about at the end of summer – like at the 16th international dog sled carriage race in Reingers (district of Gmünd).

10/29/2023 19.24

Online since today, 7:24 pm

Snowless races for sled dogs NO.svg

People and dogs have racing fever: Teams from nine countries took part in the sled dog carriage race in Reingers on Saturday and Sunday. Races are the ideal preparation for the snow season. But sled dog carriage races are also becoming increasingly popular due to winters with increasingly low snowfall.

Anja Nehrenheim traveled from Switzerland with her dogs to take part in the sled dog carriage race. She has been to Reingers several times: “At first it was wonderful. The dogs ran very well. Fortunately we left early and the temperatures were more pleasant. The route is always beautiful here. There’s a lot of forest and a lot of variety for the dogs.”

Sled dog races in the Waldviertel

500 sled dogs from all over the world showed at the international chariot races in Reingers in the northern Waldviertel that they can quickly reach their destination even without snow.

Just like Anja Nehrenheim, many people have spent countless race weekends at Reingers. Some were there for the first time, but certainly not for the last. It was a first for German Jörg Krohn: “The people are nice. We’ve been here for a week now. We have trained here before. The dogs are moving forward slowly because the season is just starting, we have a new team. There are two of them just 18 months old. And first they need to get used to competitions.”

500 sled dogs from nine nations

Around 500 sled dogs demonstrated their strength and speed in chariot races. The competition began in different classes and team sizes. Günter Takacs from Sollenau (Wiener Neustadt district) knows what is important in training: “Start small, with a few kilometers. Then this increases to up to 60 kilometers per day.”

The race can be started on different routes. The 15.5 kilometer route ran from Waldviertel through the neighboring Czech Republic and back. Dog sled carts have recently become more technically sophisticated, said organizer Gerald Schinzel: “Independent suspension, suspension, disc brakes: technology is constantly evolving so everyone gets to their destination safely.” dogs.

Petra Ottitsch,