So the US is arming Ukraine the list of weapons

So the US is arming Ukraine, the list of weapons that the Pentagon gave Kyiv

“The administration is working 24 hours a day to meet Ukraine’s requests for security assistance,” explains the Pentagon, which provides the list of weapons sent to Kyiv.


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“We will supply Ukraine with 10 antitank systems for every Russian tank because Kyiv will win the war against Russia,” announced US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in the past few hours Washington is ready to provide military support to Ukraine regardless of the further development of events and the duration of the armed conflict unleashed by Moscow. Announcements not only of circumstances, as since the beginning of the war on the other side of the ocean an avalanche of weapons and more has arrived. On Tuesday, the US government authorized an additional US$100 million worth of arms for Ukraine from US stocks, bringing total US aid to Ukraine to around $1.7 billion since the Russian invasion began.


USA: “We are working around the clock to meet the demands of Kyiv”

As the Pentagon itself admitted, these are also offensive and technologically advanced weapons that have allowed the Ukrainian army to stand up to the invading Russian force and to be successful even on the battlefield, despite the great disparity in men and means with Russia . “Management works around the clock Fulfillment of Ukraine’s requests for security assistanceSupplying weapons from US stockpiles when they are available and facilitating the supply of weapons by allies and partners when their systems are most suitable for Ukraine’s needs,” they explain from the US Department of Defense.


The list of weapons given to Ukraine by the USA

Weapons delivered or promised by the United States to Ukraine include more than 1,400 Stinger antiaircraft systems; more than 5,000 Javelin antitank systems; more than 7,000 other antitank systems; hundrets of Switchblade explosive drones also known as kamikaze drones; more than 7,000 small arms and ammunition, more than 50 million bullets; 45,000 sets of bulletproof vests and helmets, laserguided missile systems, Puma unmanned aerial systems, four unmanned aerial vehicles and antiartillery surveillance radars, secure communications systems; commercial satellite imagery services; protective devices for neutralizing explosive objects; Armored multipurpose vehicles; night vision goggles and medical supplies including first aid kits. Not all of these weapons have already arrived in Ukraine, but all resources are already ready to send them as soon as possible.

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US instructor for the Ukrainian military

However, aid to the Ukrainians did not stop there, the US also trained the Ukrainian army in the use of some of the equipment sent. This was revealed by Defense Department officials quoted in the US press Ukrainian military trained to use ‘suicide drone’ US grubs were in the US for military training programs before the start of the war in Ukraine on February 24th. In addition, since the beginning of the Biden administration, support for the US security branch in Ukraine has totaled $2.4 billion.