1671379887 So there is a relative

“So there is a relative…”

So there is a relative

At the first of the two finals, yesterday’s grandmother also came to Dancing with the Stars Alexander Egger for a surprise dance. A situation that has concerned many since the story of Alexander’s alleged quarrel with his entire family has long been on the scene this year. His mother Christine Egger, In particular, he asked Fanpage.it for help to dissect his son’s theses, repeating that the family never sent him away.

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That’s why the participation of Alessandro’s grandmother that evening was a kind of peace agreement. The surprise was also worth commenting on Wilder Lucarelli, program judge who wryly said: “There is a relative you lovethen”. Immediately afterwards, both the grandmother and Alessandro felt a bit embarrassed. “I have four grandchildren – said the grandmother – he is the first”.

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On the other hand, Cristina Egger gave vent to Fanpage.it by attacking the production of Dancing with the Stars: “The Italians have not understood a worthy guy what is Alessandro mother’ I have three children, and believe me, no one will leave. He left home, true, but at 19. It’s true that he started life and made his own. We have never recommended him, in fact we have never supported his career in the entertainment and fashion world as my husband is an engineer and has always tried to lead him to a more concrete job. We always told him that beauty fades at a certain point. Still, it was never foiled.”

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