Soap Opera e Paixao Chapter summary for the week of

Soap Opera e Paixão: Chapter summary for the week of September 25th to 30th. TV news

Monday, September 25th (Chapter 121)
Jussara makes it clear to Aline that he doesn’t believe in Vinícius. Yandara does not give in to Franco’s insistence not to end their relationship. Ramiro tells Antônio that Irene threw the car at Agatha with the intention of assassinating her. Antônio threatens to report Irene to the police.

Andrade tells Silvério that Serjão continues to tease him. Mara fires Andrade. Irene tries to convince Antônio that Agatha wants to destroy him. Petra decides to go to Pajé to find a cure. Caio identifies Sidney from the hospital video images. Irene assures Vinícius that she will take everything away from Aline.

Tuesday, September 26th (Chapter 122)
Antônio meets Agatha. Angelina and Graça take Danielzinho to the hospital. Gladys is touched by Andrade’s statement. Vinícius pressures Aline to sign the partnership agreement. Ramiro tells Sidney that the police are after the henchman. Sidney is arrested.

Andrade is touched by the help Gladys gave him. Lucinda asks Marino not to leave Nova Primavera. Nice asks Anely to call an ambulance for Tadeu, who was feeling sick. Aline signs the partnership agreement with Vinícius.

Wednesday, September 27th (Chapter 123)
Tadeu discovers he has been deceived by Anely and says he is in love with Nice. Lucinda suffers from the possibility of Marino being transferred. Petra and Luigi confess their passion for Hélio and Anely respectively and decide to separate. Mara and Menah confront Elias.

Luigi tells Anely that he is breaking up with Petra. Petra tells Hélio that she is free to stay with the engineer. Gregório threatens Nice and demands money from his former ally. Caio reacts when Irene tells him that difficult times lie ahead for him and Aline.

Thursday, September 28th (Chapter 124)
Nice arranges with Gregório to raise money to escape together. Irene and Antônio react when Graça tells them that Marino has arrested the man who killed Ernesto and Dalva. Irene threatens Petra with hospitalization if her daughter is separated. Antônio reprimands Marino for freeing Sidney.

Lucinda and Andrade sign the divorce. Graça asks if Gladys likes Andrade. Nice demands money from Tadeu, not to mention having an affair with him. Irene is threatened by Nice. Caio makes his marriage proposal to Aline official. Ramiro and Kelvin find Nice lifeless in her car.

Friday, September 29th (Chapter 125)
Gregório runs away when he learns of Nice’s death. Enzo tells Anely that Tadeu killed Nice. Luigi suggests to Petra that they both pretend to Irene that they are still married. Anely talks to Luigi about her fear that Lucinda might discover her secret life. Angelina tells Antônio that Nice threatened Irene.

Vinícius tells Irene that he has already sent the documents to the dispatcher to transfer Aline’s property into her name. Antônio questions Irene about who is responsible for Nice’s murder. Marino reveals that the person Nice was with is the main suspect in his death.

Saturday, September 30th (Chapter 126)
Marino finds out that Anely made a large deposit into Nice’s account. Tadeu is relieved to know that Nice will no longer blackmail him. Irene threatens Angelina. Anely tells Marino how she got involved with Nice and Tadeu and asks the police officer not to tell Lucinda about it. Marino believes Tadeu when he tells him that he was threatened by Nice.

Gladys and Mara discover through the transport company’s cameras that Andrade has been captured by Serjão. Gladys tells Andrade he has been readmitted. Angelina tells Agatha that she is afraid of Irene. Marino concludes that Irene is responsible for the Nice murder and the attack on Agatha.

Terra and Paixão chapters are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice

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