The story of Buffalo Bills member Damar Hamlin, who suffered cardiac arrest in the middle of a game last January, is making the rounds on the internet. On Wednesday, the 25-year-old athlete visited the White House, where he was able to continue his educational work.
Hamlin met President Joe Biden, who immortalized their encounter on social media.
“Damar Hamlin’s courage, resilience and attitude inspired the American people. All the more reason why he put his rehabilitation into action, for the benefit of our country. It was an honor to have him with his family,” President Biden wrote.
Indeed, Hamlin also used his visit to meet with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Democratic Representative Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick to promote bipartisan legislation. This would make automated external defibrillators (AEDs) more accessible on school premises.
When Hamlin collapsed in the middle of a duel against the Cincinnati Bengals, the use of an AED may have saved his life.
Additionally, on Monday, the NFL launched the Smart Heart Sports Coalition initiative, which aims to prevent cardiac arrest-related deaths in teenage athletes.
Damar Hamlin’s courage, resilience and spirit inspired the American people.
What’s more, he put the upswing into practice – and our country is doing better.
It was an honor to have him and his family here today.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 30, 2023