1708767071 Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers

Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers in Brazil

A 19-year-old woman followed by nearly 250,000 people on Instagram claims she was drugged and raped by fellow influencers at a party in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Geovana Pontes, originally from Brazil, was found with a burst lip and bloodstained clothing after attending a party on January 25th.

Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers in Brazil

“Image comes from Instagram”

The young woman told O Globo Brazil that drugs were put in her drink and that she was forced to have sex with four men during the event.

She reported feeling confused after drinking her drink. She then lost consciousness. The young woman said she was unable to control her body while men undressed her.

Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers in Brazil

“Image comes from Instagram”

“There were 7 or 8 of them and they started filming me in the pool while they were taking off my bikini,” she said.

“I was attacked by four men. I think they put something in my drink to make me vulnerable. There are many things I don't remember. Everyone was drinking and I was the only one in the state,” she continued.

Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers in Brazil

“Image comes from Instagram”

The Brazilian shared the result of her attack on her Instagram profile. We can see his bloodstained sweater, his swollen lip, and dried blood running down his chin and neck.

Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers in Brazil

“Image comes from Instagram”

According to her lawyer, Pontes filed a report with police, who questioned her for six hours. The influencer said she waited to take action because she received threats after sharing her photos.

“They started threatening me. If I continue to post about it, something would happen to me,” she pleaded.

Geovana Pontes and a friend flew to Sao Paulo on January 25 to attend the event. The travel expenses were covered by the man who invited her.

Social media star claims she was raped by four influencers in Brazil

“Image comes from Instagram”

The 19-year-old woman said there were eight men, including minors. When they arrived, her friend immediately went to bed, leaving Pontes alone with the others.

It was this friend who found her crying in the swimming pool.

Sao Paulo police say an investigation is underway to clarify the circumstances of the incident.

According to the New York Post