Social networks in decline People are becoming more reserved Multiverso

Social networks in decline? People are becoming more reserved Multiverso Notícias

For the social media They have changed the way humanity communicates, that's a fact! While facetoface interactions used to be more important, with the popularization of these resources this has now taken a back seat.

Currently, people who are far from each other can chat quickly and securely without major problems.

However, the technology also has its advantages. Because of the high speed of information exchange, it sometimes happens that some Internet users lose track and share what they shouldn't.

However, it seems that a large proportion of Internet users are changing their preferences Behave online.

The public is using social media less

Social networks in decline People are becoming more reserved Multiverso

Logos of some of the most accessed networks in the world today Image: Reproduction

Recently, a change has been noticed in the profile of many users, who in turn are becoming more selective about what they share on their pages, be it on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.

This change is largely due to concerns about privacy and the harm caused by negative exposure.

According to a study, 61% of North American adults who have social media profiles maintain a more cautious attitude towards the content they post.

The wave of extra caution stems from a lack of control over who views posts, coupled with widespread dissatisfaction with it Web experience.

A forecast from Gartner, a company specializing in IT consulting, forecasting and research, suggests that half of users will reduce their use of these websites in the coming years due to the perceived lack of quality of these systems.

Fake news issues, an increase in fake accounts, and behavioral toxicity are some of the factors that contribute to this situation occurring.

However, companies like Meta, the current administrator of some of them social media Most wellknown companies are already taking measures to prevent such a scenario.

This includes creating features that allow posts to be viewed only by people authorized by the profile owner, as well as reviewing some algorithms to improve page recommendations and reduce exposure to harmful materials.