Sofia Vergara responds to Roy Barreras39 criticism of Griselda

Sofía Vergara responds to Roy Barreras' criticism of “Griselda”

The tour that Sofía Vergara is doing for her latest role in the Netflix production of the drug trafficker Griselda Blanco has generated all kinds of comments about this new one Anesthetic series.

The first to refer to it was the ambassador in London, Roy Barreras, who explained: “They make narconovelas, they make narco cinemas, they live off the traqueta culture and they do great damage to Colombia's image abroad.”

Well, the Barranquilla actress responded to this criticism on Jorge Ramos' show where she addressed the issue, but Vergara did it with her trademark flair, with sincerity and a bit of humor.

Sofía replied: “You're partly right, there are spectacular characters, but it's not easy to tell these wonderful stories.”

(You may be interested: What was the relationship between Griselda Blanco and Pablo Escobar?)

This is how he began his answer to Ramos' question: “Roy Barreras says that narconovelas, and I quote, are doing great damage to Colombia's image abroad.” He says: “Our homeland has so many stories of resilience and overcoming, There are ” so many successful Colombians and life stories to tell.”

Vergara continued, “I wasn't lucky enough to get one of those stories and not make any of the studios aware that I was doing it, but you bring them something that has to do with drug trafficking and that's a fascination.”

(Read more: What is true and what is a lie in Sofia Vergara's Griselda series?)

In addition, the Colombian assured that she has seen all the narco-novels produced: “I am fascinated by them, I have seen them all and I am Colombian,” Vergara concluded.

In this discussion about narconovelas, Ambassador Barreras also argued and the former senator and writer Gustavo Bolívar, who also presented his point of view on the subject, in response to a message from the ambassador on his X account: “Ambassador. Drug addicts, abusers and corrupt people are the ones who damage the image in the country. Authors and filmmakers, we just tell their stories.”

This is a topic that is always worth talking about, but it will be the audience that will decide whether these topics are still relevant.


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