Soleimani from Iran a Solomon of the new era

Soleimani from Iran, a Solomon of the new era

By: Yosvani Noguet

For the Iranians, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force high command is “the man responsible for changing Western imperialism’s plans in the region and preventing the creation of a new Middle East.”

Some refer to him as the shadow commander who left a legacy known to this day as the Regional Security Roadmap, affirming in his will that his country is currently experiencing its finest days and leaving several questions for the future.

“What did the enemy think of your prophet? What allegations were made against him and how did they treat his immaculate children? Accusations, censorship and pressure from enemies should not divide them,” wrote Soleimani to his Iranian nation.


The man who stopped the advance and dealt a serious blow to the terrorist group Islamic State arrived in Iraq on January 3 at the invitation of Prime Minister Adel Abdolmahdi and they wanted to meet, but the drone overflight made that meeting impossible forever.

In his life plans there was never a possibility of becoming a soldier, he even admitted that he preferred to be called Qasem, with no preceding or following addition, which is why he ordered in his will that they put “Soldier Qasem” on his tombstone, as he thought was that Qasem Soleimani, it would be very bombastic and would make the saddlebags too heavy.

However, his country today remembers him by his full name and with positions recognizing all of his humble and dedicated work for humanity, as described by local experts.

For Iran he is a “national hero”, even analysts like Hiba Morad classify him as the nation’s most important counter-terrorism commander, emphasizing his charisma in commanding the resistance, a master strategist, a veteran diplomat with supporters around the world.


“Will this be my last journey or is my destination different? Whatever that is, I’m satisfied. I am writing you this along the way so that when I am not here and you miss me, it will serve as a reminder,” he said in a recently published letter saying goodbye to his daughter of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei.

“My daughter, I am very tired. I haven’t slept in thirty years, but I don’t want to sleep anymore. I pour salt in my eyes so my eyelids don’t dare to close, so they don’t cut off the head of this helpless child because of my carelessness,” the text says privately until then.

His last day was January 3, 2020, when he was hit by a US Air Force attack near Baghdad International Airport on orders of then-President Donald Trump.

In his last fight, Soleimani bid farewell to the military plane accompanied by Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes, the interim commander of the Iraqi People’s Mobilization Units (PMU), known as Hashd al-Shaabi.

Under the guidelines of the 1973 United Nations General Assembly Convention, the Islamic Republic is currently moving forward with the final phase of the trial to prosecute the perpetrators of his murder.

The Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Agnès Callamard, officially reported on the violation committed by the United States, which was released as an international document allowing Iran to pursue this case.

Meanwhile, people pay homage to their hero and the security forces and government assure that the crime will go unpunished.
