Solution to homelessness Its not the citys responsibility but it

Solution to homelessness: “It’s not the city’s responsibility, but it had to be done” –

The city of Gatineau is calling on the Quebec government to do more to combat homelessness, a month after the makeshift encampment of heated tents was set up outside the Robert Guertin Arena.

• Also read: Heated tents at a makeshift camp in Gatineau

• Also read: Relocating an Encampment: Gatineau Businessmen Mobilize

“Quebec really needs to give more. There is little money and that is why we had to release 5 million here in the city of Gatineau. Otherwise we wouldn't have done it. “It’s not the city’s responsibility, but it had to be done,” said Louis Sabourin, president of the Gatineau Commission for a Healthy City.

Despite the outcome, elected officials insist this is a temporary solution and that permanent answers must be found to help people in need.

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Gatineau Police say no problematic situation has been reported since these tents arrived. Remember that prior to the arrival of this camp there had been police operations to search for firearms and drugs. However, the police have been conducting preventive patrols for a month, but there is nothing to report.

“It is a combination of factors that ensures that there is little or no police intervention. “That’s one of the things we’re talking to our partners about is better follow-up,” said Patrick Kenney, spokesperson for the City of Gatineau Police Department.

He added: “Our individual police officers who look after the most vulnerable people, but also the regular patrol who ensure crime prevention in the sector.”