Sonia Bruganelli is it really over with Bonolis The Womans

Sonia Bruganelli, is it really over with Bonolis? The Woman’s Alarming Words

Some statements by Sonia Bruganelli have brought to light a truth that may have been concealed, some sentences have caused an uproar in the last few hours.


Paolo Bonolis is one of the most influential Italian presenters of the entertainment world, his programs are always a great success, he knows how to tune in to his audience but also to the many protagonists of his episodes.

Along with him, a woman has worked behind the scenes of many of his major successes over the years, it is precisely his wife Sonia BruganelliIn fact, it can be really annoying that the two have always formed a team not only in tried and tested but also in professional life, both work in the SDL production house.

Paolo and Sonia met exactly at workduring the successful program Tira and Molla led by him and Bruganelli was one of the participants in teleshopping.

Exactly this meeting that started something and since then they have never separated, over time they got married in 1997 and their children also came from their love, Silvia, Davide and Adele.

The great strength of the Bonolis Bruganelli couple over time was probably precisely that they were not particularly exposed to the watchful eyes of public opinion and did not stir up gossip, in fact the two have always tried to keep a low profile.

Sonja Bruganelli

But with the participation of Sonia Bruganelli Of course, on the last edition of Big Brother Vip as a commentator, there were some rumors circulating about both of them After exposing herself to the limelight, curiosity began to grow, hence the interviews. Many programs have requested the presence of the beautiful Sonia for interviews and statements, for which she has made herself and on a few occasions available made some revelations that left the audience speechless.

Just in an interview, Sonia confessed that in a relationship physical infidelity is naturalin their opinion and which should be accepted, these words obviously have access to public opinion who began to wonder if the long love affair with Bonolis, which has lasted for twenty years and seems to be very solid, is in fact not alone a facade and hide some secrets.

Sonia Bruganelli indulges in ambiguous comments

Since then there have been some rumors about the couple and what their relationship was really like, something they try to keep very private, but the watchful eye of the internet doesn’t miss a beat, in fact only very recently Bruganelli, which is very active in social networks, wrote a few sentences on Twitter that absolutely did not go unnoticed immediately aroused the interest of fans, who, immediately alarmed, tried to understand what was happening.

Sonia Bruganelli wrote on Twitter: “Love ends. People who have loved each other never end”. A rather cryptic phrase but suggesting something very profound, it doesn’t exaggerate its meaning too much, but obviously such a direct phrase immediately suggests a situation that could lead to a breakup.

Besides, as if that wasn’t enough, Shortly after, he decides to write a new, even more sensational tweet: “Love is never what it seems, often what it seems, but it’s not…”.

It just looks like this Sonia is trying to say something very specific to those who follow her with passion but do not let themselves go to real confessions, leaving the fans on the verge of suspense for a potentially catastrophic situation that the woman appears to be facing.

It only seems want to allude to the end of a love Could Paolo Bonolis really be over after all these years? Perhaps Sonia is going through a painful time and isn’t ready to fully confess the truth about what’s happening in her life just yet, but her messages obviously can’t go unnoticed.

Sonja Bruganelli

In the meantime, what we know and what has come as unexpected news is this She has been confirmed as a columnist for the next issue of Big Brother Vip together with orietta berti, so we’ll see her again in september, who knows if single or not.