1705065629 Sophie Durocher reveals a look behind the scenes of her

Sophie Durocher reveals a look behind the scenes of her television interview with Éric Lapointe – 7 Jours

Four years after he was accused of attacking a woman, Éric Lapointe agreed to confide in Sophie Durocher in the special show Eric Lapointe faces his demons. The host also spoke to us about her experiences in Get me out of here!which we will see from March, and the new QUB radio format on television.

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The special program Éric Lapointe, face à ses demons offers the singer, above all, the opportunity to speak on television for the first time about the events of 2019. “We wanted to know objectively what he had to say,” he explained to Sophie Durocher, who is conducting the interview. It wasn't so much about giving his own version, since the version with which he pleaded guilty is the one presented to the court. Above all, we wanted to understand his journey since these events, his approach, his introspection and to see how the Éric Lapointe of 2024 differs from the one who attacked a woman. The journalist therefore asked him very specific questions, for example about the events of the previous day or the same day and in 2020, when he pleaded guilty.

During the recording of the interview, Éric Lapointe appeared somewhat nervous, even feverish. “He told us he had been preparing for this interview in his shower for four years. All along he knew that at some point he would have to deal with music. I sensed that he was excited at the prospect of finally being able to speak out and say how much the process had affected him. I think he was excited to talk.”

Surprisingly, Sophie Durocher knew Éric Lapointe relatively little, having only met him once or twice in her career.

Sophie Durocher reveals a look behind the scenes of her

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The moderator confirms that a large part of the interview is dedicated to Éric Lapointe's alcoholism. “He told me clearly that this was the fight of his life. At the time of our meeting he told me that he had not touched him

A drop of alcohol for over a month to prepare for the interview because he wanted to do his best. It is a step he has taken several times in his life, especially before each season of La Voix.”

The photos taken from the show actually show a singer in great shape and smiling. “People will be able to judge for themselves how sincere his approach is. Admitting that this is truly the fight of his life for him, he adds that he is aware that it has been difficult, that it is difficult and that it will be difficult. He doesn't hide behind the excuse of alcohol. It wasn't alcohol that carried out the attack in 2019. He doesn't use alcohol to justify his actions, and that's important to note.

In his interview with Sophie Durocher, he also discusses the collateral damage of his actions, especially for those close to him. “He is truly sorry – the word is used often – for the victim, but also for his children, his mother and his musicians. He expresses regret for the impact of his actions on people who had nothing to do with them. He apologizes several times to the victim, but also to those around him for the consequences and after-effects.

Unlike other artists, Éric Lapointe has continued to practice his profession in recent years. He has given numerous concerts and even released a new album last fall. “He tells me clearly that he is addicted to the stage and the fact that he can continue to do his job has helped him a lot in his approach. His fans gave him the energy to keep going.”

1705065623 394 Sophie Durocher reveals a look behind the scenes of her

• Also read: Jean-Philippe Dion promises more difficult trials for the second season of “Get Me Out of Here!”

When Sophie Durocher received the proposal from Productions Déferlantes in December 2022, she thought about three seconds before agreeing to participate in Sortez-moi d'ici! agreed. “I had only seen the trailer for the first season and was shocked. I told myself that those who accepted were completely crazy for doing so. But I always say that I'm not afraid of anything or anyone. It was an opportunity to see it.”

Without wanting to reveal what she experienced, she nevertheless confessed that there was a fear that she did not think was so important and that turned out to be more frightening than expected. “Five months later I still have nightmares. But I think I'm not the only one. The other contestants and I talk about it when we meet and there really is a before and after “Get Me Out of Here!” It’s very confronting.”

The question about her public image was quickly brushed aside by Sophie Durocher. “I had nothing to lose because for many people I am a personality that they will discover on the show and what could be better than discovering me naturally!” There is also one thing that I am proud of : There were four comedians on site (Alexandre Barrette, Alex Perron, Rosalie Vaillancourt and Phil Laprise) and I managed to make them laugh. I told myself, deep in the jungle, if we don't sleep, don't eat, don't really wash, and get eaten by mosquitoes, I'll manage to keep my sense of humor, honor that is for sure.”

She believes that most people, including her son and partner Richard Martineau, will discover a different side to her personality. “When I told them about some of the things I had done, they were wide-eyed – and they don't know everything! You never know in advance how you will react in really difficult conditions. I think they'll find out a lot about me. And I don't know if the physical and psychological exhaustion is so clearly shown on screen, but it reveals the personality in a great way.

As of January 11th, the old Yoopa channel's channel is now occupied by the TV version of QUB Radio. “We show a little behind the scenes of our radio shows, but the tone doesn't change. It is truly information and opinions with complete freedom of expression. We have free rein and I think it's great that we're on TV now! We will be able to reach new audiences who didn’t know we existed.”

Sophie Durocher's other project for 2024 is writing her fifth book, which will be published next fall by Éditions du Journal de Montréal. “I worked on it for several months. It will be a feminist essay about the excesses of the new feminism; I will talk about the invisibility of women in public spaces.”

Eric Lapointe faces his demons airs Jan. 14 at 8:30 p.m. on TVA.
The second season of
Get me out of here! appears on TVA starting March 3 at 6:30 p.m.
We also read Sophie Durocher's columns in Le Journal de Montréal and Le Journal de Québec and listen to her on QUB radio.