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“Sound attack”: suspended sentence for destroying the lives of his neighbors

A 44-year-old Frenchman who deliberately caused a disturbance in the middle of the night to disturb his noisy neighbors would have received a four-month suspended prison sentence for his disproportionate revenge.

“We don’t understand why he put so much money and ingenuity into all this. Why should we go to such lengths to harm ourselves like this? We didn't do anything extraordinary, we just have crying children,” complained one of the defendant's neighbors on Thursday in a court in Isère, local media Dauphiné Libération reported, according to BFMTV.

Radio at maximum, loudspeakers broadcasting baby cries on the communal wall, tom-tom and vacuum cleaner in the early morning: for several months, the forty-year-old did everything to disrupt his neighbors' sleep, the French media reported.

Annoyed by the crying of the neighborhood children, the school assistant allegedly explained that he had taped his household appliances to the wall he shared with his neighbors to “counterattack,” causing them numerous sleep problems, including “psychomotor restlessness.” “A [fatigue] severe” and even “a feeling of fear and worry,” a doctor reportedly noted in court.

“I have never seen cases like this and I don’t want anyone to have to live with them,” the prosecutor said, according to Dauphiné Libération.

During this time, the forty-year-old had probably set up a room in his garage so that he would not hear the noise that he himself caused in his building by operating his household appliances.

“I have lived in this building for about ten years. At first things went well. There were quite a few older people there. As new arrivals arrived, I became increasingly disturbed early in the morning, in the evenings and on weekends,” he told the court.

The man, who was said to exhibit characteristics of “familial loneliness” and “emotional difficulties” as well as “persecution,” ultimately received a four-month suspended sentence for “noise attack.”