South Africa reiterates its call for a two state solution

South Africa reiterates its call for a two state solution

As reported here today, during that body’s open debate on the situation in the Middle East the day before, Pandor called on the international community, through the United Nations, to establish the states of Palestine and Israel “to live side by side.” in peace and security.”

He explained that the Palestinian state should be established along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. South Africa, he added, also joins the urgent calls for a comprehensive and immediate ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip so that aid and other essential services reach all those in need.

The most important thing, the Chancellor emphasized, is that we call on all parties to act with restraint and not fuel this war any further.

We are appalled, he said, “at the blatant attacks on civilians, a clear violation of international humanitarian law, the Geneva Convention and its protocols.” “Both Hamas and the State of Israel have committed these violations.”

“While we express our concern about the current violence and deaths,” Pandor added, “we cannot ignore the fact that another day of Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian territories has brought hatred, suffering and pain.”

Just as Israel deserves peace and security, Palestinians must also enjoy sovereignty, peace and security. For international law to be credible, it must be applied uniformly and not selectively, he emphasized.

In his speech, Pandor also reiterated South Africa’s call to establish a global governance system that is fair, equitable and responsive to the needs of all people in situations of threat and harm.

He concluded that a system is not only a tool for the most powerful countries in the world, but also provides protection for the weakest.
