1701934112 Sovereignty Quebecers are hard to track –

Sovereignty: Quebecers are hard to track –

So Quebecers want a PQ government…

• Also read: Polls: PSPP will bet on independence, Legault takes responsibility for his downfall

• Also read: [SONDAGE] Legault is “unloved by politics”: the CAQ collapses, the PQ is in the lead

But they don’t want to know anything about sovereignty.

At this point, you don’t need a political commentator to analyze the new Léger poll.

He is a psychologist.

  • Listen to Richard Martineau’s editorial discussing current events with Alexandre Dubé QUB radio :

The ass between two stools

Many historians say that the ambivalence of the Quebec people is explained by the fact that we have Norman roots…

They say the Normans don’t particularly like adventure. They are careful. The kind that wears a belt and suspenders to make sure their pants don’t fall down.

The way they answer when asked if they like raspberry jam: “Neither for nor against, quite the opposite…”

In short, you see the guy.

For independence as long as we don’t leave Canada.

For federalism, as long as we have all the powers.

Furthermore, in France an indecisive answer is called “a Normand answer”.

It comes from an old Norman law that allowed a person who had just signed a contract to withdraw within 24 hours.

I’m not committing… to committing.

I promise… I can change my mind.

In Quebec we call it “having your ass between two stools.”

One buttock on the right, one buttock on the left.

This way you won’t fall to the floor when someone pulls out a chair.

Sovereignty Quebecers are hard to track –

Photo Stevens LeBlanc


We imagine a vox pop from Guy Nantel…

“Who will you choose?

– The PQ!

— Are you a sovereigntist?

– NO!

— Did you know that the PQ is sovereign?

– Yes!

— Do you want the PQ to win the next elections?

– Yes!

— You want him to gain independence?

– NO!

— What do you like most about PSPP?

— He is clear, coherent, he does not change his mind, he is not a weather vane!

– Do you know that he is a sovereigntist?

– Yes!

— Do you want him to remain sovereign?

– Yes!

– Do you want him to organize a referendum on sovereignty in his first term?

– Yes!

– Will you vote for it?

– NO!”

Understand who…


“Quebec is like a woman who goes to eat spaghetti at La Maison du Spaghetti but doesn’t like spaghetti,” I said to Jean-François Lisée on QUB radio yesterday.

“Yes, but maybe as soon as she sits in the restaurant she will get a taste for spaghetti,” Jean-François answered me. The smell of tomato sauce will tickle his nose. She will see the other customers eating her dish with enthusiasm and that will make her want to try it. She will like the facility. She will feel good. And all this may overcome his reluctance.”

This is the mission that PSPP must undertake in the coming years.

Make people want to eat spaghetti.

Because that’s not all: attracting people to La Maison du Spaghetti! You must order!

However, currently people only want to enter the PQ restaurant to warm up and pee.

The PQ will not produce strong children with such clients!

If Daniel Pinard got Quebecers to eat Espelette pepper, anything would be possible!