Spain Sanchez asks for trust The first obligation is to

Spain, Sánchez asks for trust: “The first obligation is to work for the recognition of Palestine .”

Spain Sanchez asks for trust The first obligation is to

“The first obligation” of the new Spanish government will be “to work for the recognition of the Palestinian state.” The outgoing prime minister, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, said this in his speech to the Madrid parliament during the investiture session that will crown him head of a new coalition government following the agreement reached last week […]




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“The first obligation” of the new Spanish government will be to work “for”. Recognition of the Palestinian state“. The outgoing Prime Minister, the socialist, said so Pedro Sanchezin the speech to Parliament of Madrid during the investiture session that will crown him head new coalition board, after reaching an agreement with Catalan independence activists last week. Sánchez reiterated Israel’s right to defend itself after the October 7 Hamas attacks, but at the same time called for an “immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the conflict.”indiscriminate killing the Palestinian civilian population” and the restoration of “international humanitarian law,” which is “clearly not respected today.” We must “pave the way to diplomacy with the urgent implementation of it.” Peace Conference“This is aimed at “the solution rightly demanded by the Palestinian people of recognizing their state,” he explained.

Also read World | By Andrea Cegna.

“There is a lot to save from the Sánchez government. But there are already dark storms on the horizon, that’s why”: Interview with Monedero, the professor who founded Podemos

The leader of the Socialist Party (PSOE), who was given the office by the king after the failure of the People’s Party Alberto Nuñez FeijòoHe won the majority thanks to a hard-fought agreement Junts to Catalonia (the party of Carles Puidgemont, the former Prime Minister of Barcelona who fled to Belgium), which provides for the granting ofamnesty to all Catalan politicians and officials on trial over the 2017 secession referendum. A clear agreement scandalous And subversive from the People’s Party and the right-wing extremist Vox: In order to take action against this, there have been various street demonstrations in the last few weeks, which have resulted in an assassination attempt attack At the PSOE headquarters in Madrid. “The circumstances are what they are: we have to make a virtue of necessity in the name of Spainnational intereststo defend social progress and overcome the fractures of the past. This is a completely legal and constitutional measure, as has already happened several times in Europe. The problem of the PP and Vox is not the amnesty, but that they did not accept the election results,” Sánchez said in his investiture speech.