sparks fly in the studio but the ones who win

sparks fly in the studio, but the ones who win are Marcello and Jasna in the study center! [VIDEO]

In the episode of Men and Women broadcast today on Canale5, in addition to the usual controversies and arguments, the agreement between Marcello and Jasna in the study center also makes us dream.

Today at men and womenin the episode that aired on Channel 5the dating show with the brand Mediaset is enlivened by further discussion between Maurice, jewel And Elena. Marcellus And Yasna They move everyone in the study center with their story, which seems to be continuing at full speed.

Men and women, sparks fly in the studio, but Marcello and Jasna overcome more than just controversy!

Maria De Filippi asks for Maurice to sit in the study center and broadcast a video of the follow-up to the Parterre women’s fashion show Throne over in which the knight approached Gemma Galgani and praised the show, leaving the lady amazed. Maurizio asks them for a ceasefire, because he had a wonderful month with her and just wants to lay down the hatchet. In the studio, the Turin woman says that after all the bad things the knight has said to her, she has no intention of accepting this truce. He also intervenes on behalf of the lady Tina Cipollariwhich underlines the angry attitude of the knight as he asked for this peace Galgani. The discussion between the two protagonists of Throne over is withheld by the landlady, also because Maurice He has to clarify a few things at the study center Elena. Apparently the lady was upset about this Barbara De Santi kissed the knight on the lips during the parade. The entrance to the studio Elena causes a real uproar: the lady enters without wanting to greet the knight and then argues violently with him Tinaeven went so far as to shout a very vulgar “You’re a pain in the ass” at her, which shocked even the moderator.

The lady is angry and asks for explanations Maurice about kissing with Barbara: The latter intervenes by saying that she merely expressed the wish Elenawho would have liked to see the knight negotiating with other ladies. Elena is angry also because he discovers it Maurice He told the editors that he regretted turning away an admirer who had been looking for him – Alida – and now behind the scenes the lady in question is waiting to come down for him. Elena seems speechless, so much so that Gianni He tells her to remember the “notes” she learned at home so she can save face. No one in the studio can understand what is happening, nor can they make sense of their conversations. Maurice agrees to keep the new lady, but He loves dancing with Elena the most, to clarify, as the lady seems increasingly quiet and disappointed with the knight’s behavior. After the dance, Tina he wants to know what the two of them said to each other and Maurice He says that they tried to clear each other up and that a new discussion begins about the “fiction” of the scene between them that they had just seen.

space for Roberta Di Paduaso he came down Lorenzoan admirer from Bologna who admitted to being impressed by the beauty Robertabut the lady he doesn’t want to go any further and sends him away. They sit in the study center Jasna And Marcellus: The two went to dinner and the lady admits this Marcellus He is exactly the ideal man for her because she likes everything about him. The knight admits that he feels the same and is frightened by it, so much so that he enthusiastic and Yasna hugs him with equal emotion. The knight says that he is not going through an easy time and that it wouldn’t have been like that Jasna he wouldn’t have known what to do. For him, meeting the lady is an unexpected surprise and he only has nice words for her. The two will continue to get to know each other and Maria lets them dance together to the tune of “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. In the meantime, Elena During the dance she appears crying and distressed, so much so that the landlady asks her to finally be honest and admit that she is afraid that she has just been used by the knight. Even commenters point out that the lady’s reaction was very strong and therefore it is clear that something is going on. Maurice shocks everyone when he says that he would like to take Elena with him and leave the programBut he is also afraid and after just a month he no longer feels like making this risky decision. In all of this, the knight has decided to let Alida stay, which causes further questions and confusion and once again the knight is accused.

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