Speaking to Celso Amorim the US National Security Advisor

Speaking to Celso Amorim, the US National Security Advisor expressed concern about Lula’s statements G1

The US National Security Advisor was concerned about Lula’s statements

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, during a phone call with Celso Amorim this Tuesday (18), complained about Lula’s comments about the Ukraine war and expressed concern.

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A source familiar with the call explained that Sullivan “spent the first five minutes of the call politely but very directly not only complaining about what Lula had said, but using inaccurate information to suggest that the US was somehow responsible for the… responsible for war and does not want peace”.

The sources said the tone of the conversation was relaxed. Sullivan was polite and didn’t raise his tone, but said quite bluntly that the United States disagrees with Lula’s statements.

According to the sources who knew the content of the call, Amorim did his best to reassure Sullivan that Lula’s intention was not to offend the United States or to imply that the American government does not want peace.

When asked if the call eased the situation, the sources reassure that the US is confident in the relationship with Brazil and that Biden is confident and wants an ambitious relationship with Brazil.

“However, that doesn’t mean we don’t openly address concerns and disagreements,” a source said.

1 of 1 US Government National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in file photo — Photo: Leah Millis/Portal US Government National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in file photo — Photo: Leah Millis/Portal

US Reviews

The call came after the United States criticized President Lula’s speeches about the war. During a visit to China and the United Emirates, the PT accused the US and European countries of prolonging the conflict by supplying arms to Ukraine for selfdefense.

This Tuesday, interviewed by the TV globeWhite House Press Secretary Karine JeanPierre said Brazil “did not use a neutral tone” and that it was “clearly wrong” to argue that the United States is promoting the war and that the White House “will continue to oppose it.” “

For the Ana Flor’s blogCelso Amorim said that Lula was looking for a way of peace in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and that “he doesn’t point the finger at anyone”.

“Lula didn’t mean to offend anyone,” Amorim said.

Also on Tuesday, over lunch at Itamaraty Palace with the Romanian President, Lula softened his tone and condemned Ukraine’s “violation of territorial integrity”.

“We urgently need to create a group of countries that will try to sit at the table with both Ukraine and Russia to find peace,” he said.

But the perception in Washington is that Lula has lost credibility to broker peace. A source said that the Brazilian president “is not perceived as an objective actor and this limits his ability to negotiate.”

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