Special 30 years Castelo RaTimBum was very nostalgic Stay indoors

Special 30 years ‘Castelo RáTimBum’ was very nostalgic; Stay indoors! Multiverse

The year 2023 has arrived and with it we celebrate the 30th anniversary of “Castelo RáTimBum”, a television show broadcast by TV Cultura in the 90s. And to honor this incredible program that has shaped the lives of many, a special episode was raised.

Almost all of the original cast members attended the event, with the exception of a few actors who are missing. However, once the episode aired, a great deal of nostalgia rose in the hearts of many viewers, seeing again the same music used in the show’s introduction and the looks of some of the characters.

The special edition was attended by Freddy Allan (Zequinha), Pascoal da Conceição (Doctor Abobrinha), Patrícia Gaspar (Caipora), Fabiana Prado (Fee Lana), Teresa Athayde (Fee Lara), Dilma Souza Campos (Patativa), Flavio de Souza ( Tíbio/series creators) and many others.

Relevant topics were addressed

With the presence of so many members of the original cast, the special was amazing and nostalgic, but also made room for relevant and very interesting topics. One of them was the comment by Cinthya Rachel and Eduardo Silva (Bongô) about how they are black actors and how incredible it is for them to have the opportunity to be part of a children’s program.

Read an excerpt mentioned by Eduardo Silva during the program:

“And to think that 30 years ago there were 4 black people in a small cast was super innovative.[…] When black people come and say, ‘You were a reference for a black person who wasn’t a slave or a bandit,’ it moves me a lot.”

Commemorating the participation of deceased actors

Of course, the special episode for the 30th anniversary of “Castelo RáTimBum” should not be missing, characters like Dr. Victor (Sérgio Mamberti), the owner of the castle and also Nino’s uncle, and Etevaldo (Wagner Bello), among many others who are already at peace.

And right in the middle emotion, here comes Carlos Mamberti, son of the actor who played the role of Dr. Victor, dressed like his father, appeared in the episodes of “Castelo RáTimBum”. Needless to say, the scene moved many in attendance, including Carlos himself.

Carlo Mamberti added:

“It’s incredible that 30 years later I can pay tribute to the most important figure in my father’s history.”

You can watch the full special episode on the Oreo channel below: