Joseph Ruocco He is one of the 19 investigated by the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office against Covid and was a member of the Cts in 2020. In a report that got into the investigation files and was included in a report by the Gdf and in particular in the chapter “Mixing between expert committee and political committee”. In his message, Ruocco writes: “They want us to be too aligned (…) In short, politicians should not discuss with us (…) they should accept our proposals and then decide (…) A dangerous mixture”.
The Cts, according to the statement, “was created as an aid and scientific and technical support for the head of civil protection, even if it later became more than just an advisory body for civil protection Political force” Ruocco adds that the then Minister Speranza “on several occasions agreed with Brusaferro (Director of the ISS and member of the Cts, ed.) what the Cts would then say on the various questions put to him .” And again the documents say: “As the minutes show, the meetings of the CTS were attended by the Minister himself, Deputy Minister Sileri, Undersecretary of State Zampa and, under certain circumstances, President Conte , who together with the fact that the Cts itself consisted of various ministerial leaders may have influenced them full autonomy this body”.
The Guardia di Finanza report also reveals other details from that period, such as the fact that “the prevention department of the Ministry of Health did not have the staff to do it translate correct from English to Italian”. For this reason, the documents to be translated “have to be sent” to a company in Cagliari. This “circumstance could explain why some ministerial measures were decided a few days after publication by the WHO”.
This is just one of the many “deficiencies in the management of the emergency by the Ministry of Health” highlighted in a report by the Gdf of Bergamo in the process of investigating the management of the pandemic in the first months of 2020. Just after February 20, it says, “began a hectic and messy attempt to organize the response system”. Prior to this date, “little or nothing was done at all levels, also due to the fragmentation of responsibilities and the lack of clarity of the command line”.