Starlink is parasitizing astronomers with this new plague theyve discovered

Starlink is parasitizing astronomers with this new plague they’ve discovered – Futura

German researchers have found that two-thirds of the Starlink satellites emit radio waves on a frequency reserved for radio astronomy, which could have significant implications for many astronomy projects. Without the cooperation of SpaceX and its competitors, this problem will only get worse as the number of satellites in orbit increases.

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SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet was of great help during the war in Ukraine. However, the light pollution caused by the satellite constellation was heavily criticized by astronomers, and the company eventually found a compromise. Unfortunately for SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, the company will face a new problem: radio wave leaks.

In a paper published in the journal Astonomy & Astrophysics, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany analyzed electromagnetic emissions from 68 SpaceX satellites for accidental emissions. To do this, they used the Lofar interferometer, a radio telescope made up of a series of large radio antennas spread across five European countries.

Electromagnetic radiation in radio astronomy frequencies

The Starlink constellation uses frequencies from 10.7 to 12.7 GHz for communications, but researchers found emissions between 110 and 188 MHz from 47 of the 68 satellites. This is particularly problematic as it covers the 150.05 to 153 MHz range, which is specifically reserved for radio astronomy. Unlike terrestrial devices, however, there are no international regulations for this type of radiation from satellites.

The researchers said they are in contact with SpaceX to discuss possible solutions. The company has specifically modified the next generation of satellites to reduce interference. “We believe that early recognition of this situation gives astronomy and large constellation operators the opportunity to work together on proactive technical solutions, in parallel with the discussions needed to develop appropriate regulations,” said Gyula Józsa. , one of the co-authors of the learn.