Stars wealth disappears and only debt remains

Star’s wealth disappears and only debt remains

Chico Anysio’s fortune disappears, and what remains are debts

Ten years after the death of Chico Anysio from Globo, a legal dispute over the inheritance broke out, which is being carried out by the family.

According to information from the website “TV História”, the The inheritance just “disappeared,” and apparently only a million dollars in debt remained.

For those who don’t remember, Chico Anysio was one of Brazil’s greatest comedians and left us in March 2012 at the age of 80. In doing so, he left his family a great fortune, but from one moment to the next all his fortune crumbled to dust.

According to information from Veja magazine The heirs came to split around R$4 million worth of property and all that was left of the Globo artist was a R$7 million reais debt.

In fact, much of the amount relates to back taxes, in addition to fee collection from former employees.

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Chico Anysio (Photo: Disclosure)Chico Anysio (Photo: Disclosure)


Also according to the same website, The fight began after eight heirs of comedian Malga di Paula asked the court to clarify who was the last widow of Chico Anysio, who was the executor during the five years.

In addition, according to the actor’s children, Malga did not report the rent of shops in a shopping center in the western zone of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the rental values ​​​​of a fourroom apartment in the same region.

In a request for clarification The Globo artist’s children are still questioning the whereabouts of the money deposited by Rede Globo in relation to the copyright of the comedian’s works.

It is also worth noting that Roberto Edward, the lawyer representing five of Chico Anysio’s eight children, said in an interview with Veja magazine that Malga di Paula may have committed “embezzlement” by not being accountable.

“We don’t know exactly how much disappeared from the estate because there was no accountability. That alone has already been construed as embezzlement, let alone theft,” she revealed.

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